A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Saturday, November 1, 2014
Sri Lankan Muslims at the cross
By Izeth Hussain-October 31, 2014
is the explanation for the anti-Muslim campaign? I have argued in this
series of articles that no cogent explanation can possibly be found in
the bilateral issues that have been bedeviling Sinhalese-Muslim
relations. Two of them, alleged Muslim extremism and alleged Muslim
exponential population growth, are of recent vintage and supposedly
constitute existential threats to the Sinhalese. I believe that I have
shown satisfactorily enough that both of them are really non-problems.
Some may demur on population growth because the official statistics are
thoroughly confusing. I now believe that those statistics are erroneous
and should be ignored. I would now focus my argument on just two facts.
Youssef Courbage, a professional demographer, and Emmanuel Todd, a
leading political scientist, have shown in the book I cited earlier that
in accordance with the well-established facts of population dynamics
the global Muslim population will stabilize at a certain point, and
therefore Islam is not going to take over the whole globe. The second
fact is that in Sri Lanka the average Muslim family has two to four
children just like Sinhalese and Tamil families. Therefore the notion
that Islam will become the predominant religion in Sri Lanka by 2050, or
even later, is just too fanciful to be taken seriously.
In addition there are the issues of the call to prayer, cattle
slaughter, and so on over which the Government can easily take
corrective action, and further there are developments in the Islamic
world abroad that can impact negatively on Sinhalese-Muslim relations.
All such issues are really no more than irritants that can
understandably lead to minor ructions and even serious rioting. But what
we have on our hands now is a serious Muslim ethnic problem which is
resonating internationally in Geneva, the West, and the Islamic world.
At this point we must consider certain additional facts: the Muslims
have up to now been an abjectly submissive minority, so abject that
their political representatives have refused to speak up for their
fellow Muslims on many vitally important issues; the Muslims have
consistently sided with the Sinhalese against the Tamils ignoring all
ethical norms; and the wider Islamic world has been immensely beneficial
to Sri Lanka economically, militarily, and politically (at Geneva).
There are therefore excellent reasons why the Sinhalese power elite
should regard the Muslims – notwithstanding the irritants – as a model
minority, and they did precisely that at one time. How on earth, then,
has this utter monstrosity of a serious Muslim ethnic problem arisen in
Sri Lanka?
Some would hold that the Muslim ethnic problem is just a hiccup that
will pass away the more quickly if it is ignored. This notion accords
nicely with the view that history is a realm in which the fortuitous and
the contingent reign supreme, and that in the last analysis it all
amounts to just one dam thing after another. So don’t delve deeply into
it, don’t dwell on it, and it will go away. Another view would have it
that the Muslim ethnic problem is the result of the sinister
machinations of foreign devils who want to keep the Sri Lankans divided.
Yet another view – probably widely current – is that President
Rajapakse and his associates have conjured up the specter of a Muslim
existential threat as that will boost his Dutugemunu image as the leader
who is best equipped to deal with it. That will help win the next round
of elections. My own view is that all those and similar views are
either sincerely mistaken or are ways of evading the real underlying
problem, which is the problem of Sinhalese racism, or more precisely the
problem of racism among the Sinhalese power elite. The so-called Muslim
ethnic problem should properly be regarded as an epiphenomenon,
something of a secondary order which has issued from the primary
underlying problem of the Sinhalese power elite racism.
I will substantiate my argument with some historical facts. The great
historic divide in Sinhalese-Muslim relations took the form of the 1915
anti-Muslim riots. It set up a fear psychosis among the Muslims which
endures to this day, and is particularly lively at present because of an
expectation that 2015 might witness a commemorative holocaust against
the Muslims. The next stage was Independence and the coming to power of
D.S.Senanayake whom our Muslims saw as a thorough-going anti-Muslim
racist – "communalist" in the parlance of that time. That impression
arose as a consequence of a Muslim delegation meeting him to complain
about Indian encroachments into the world of Muslim business. His
response was that Sri Lanka had not won independence to enable the
Muslims to make money. Fair enough, but would he have made that response
if the Indian encroachments had been into the sphere of Sinhalese
business interests and a Sinhalese delegation had complained about it?
Surely not. I must clarify before proceeding further that there was no
Muslim hatred towards DSS – there being little or no hatred in our
politics in those days. It was a matter of regret, not hatred, because
in spite of his racism the Muslims regarded him as essentially a decent
person who wouldn’t want any great harm to befall the Muslims. I am
making this clarification to emphasize something that should always be
borne in mind: our Muslims are not given to demonizing the Sinhalese and
therefore the possibility of sensible pragmatic accommodation on
Sinhalese-Muslim issues is always there.
I will now mention just a few further details that point to Sinhalese
anti-Muslim racism. From 1976 to around 2002 there were a series of
anti-Muslim ructions, often of a minor order but sometimes extremely
serious such as the Hulftsdorp riots of December 1993, on which I wrote a
two-part article in the Lanka Guardian. The Muslims were always the
victims – they never dared retaliate – suffering the consequences of
being born into the wrong ethnic group. But the media resolutely refused
to recognize any ethnic dimension in those riots, putting them all into
the category of "fracas between thugs". As for our Governments, they
resolutely refused to take the kind of punitive action that could have
had a deterrent effect. I pointed out in my article on the Hulftsdorp
riots that Lee Kwan-Yew would have done so, without too much scruple for
the niceties of the law, and there never would have been any ethnic
rioting in Singapore thereafter. The failure to take effective punitive
action clearly points to anti-Muslim racism in the Sinhalese power
elite. I must mention also the anti-Muslim diatribes of the late
Ven.Soma Thera; the "Grease Yaka" exploits targeting Muslim females; and
the kidnapping of wealthy Muslims which led to some Muslim businessmen
fleeing the country temporarily.
The anti-Muslim campaign should therefore be seen in the perspective of
anti-Muslim racism, particularly in the period after 1976. It is best
understood in terms of a paradigm of racism, about which I will now set
out what seem to me to be the essential points. In traditional societies
there was little or no room for upward mobility, which became possible
on a large scale with the expanding modern economy. After 1945
practically every government in the world has given importance to the
spread of literacy, which has led to widespread aspirations towards
upward mobility. These two facts – the possibility of upward mobility
and the aspirations towards it – have led to a struggle for scarce
resources among ethnic groups. This is the context for modern racism as
distinct from earlier varieties of it.
We need to have a clear understanding of what is meant by racism.
Practically every ethnic group in the world has a propensity to believe
that its way of life incarnates all the best of which the human race is
capable, and consequently that all other ethnic groups are inferior.
That propensity leads to ethnocentric prejudice which seems to be
practically ubiquitous all over the world. But if that amounts to
racism, we will have to acknowledge that racism is integral to the human
condition, something that is quite normal about which no corrective
action can be taken. The important point is that racism has to issue in
action, not just stop at the level of belief. The racist believes that
the Other is inferior or threatening, or both, and also that he should
be treated as inferior, or be excluded, or even be subjected to
genocide. Sometimes the racist sees the Other as a scapegoat, as being
somehow responsible for all or most of the ills of a society. We can see
that very clearly in the ravings of the BBS about our Muslims.
(To be continued)