Friday, January 2, 2015

Erosion Of Urban Rural And North South Divide

Colombo Telegraph
By S. Sivathasan -January 2, 2015 
S. Sivathasan
S. Sivathasan
Flimsy Demarcations
Come elections and ‘divides’ are conjured up as immutable lines that define separateness. The first in the caption is economic and social. The second is not geographic but an euphemism for ethnic identity. It is made out by some that never the twain shall meet and never the sides can merge. Parroting follows and a dogma is set in place. Behaviour at elections does not fall into these stereotypes. Voting defies academic notions. Unconventional approaches in reading the present and foreseeing the future, take us closer to realistic positions.
When mental decks are cleared and inhibitions get smitten, there is scope for logical reasoning. Sri Lanka is yet to become a settled state like Malaysia or Singapore. In the last four weeks, very many forces seeking to resolve issues and arrive at a desired equilibrium, are having a struggle. There is a clash of ideas and a battle for supremacy. When there is a struggle, there cannot be peace. In this last week of electioneering, we see it at its height of intensity. Yet there is a remarkable unity among all in the forefront of Maithripala’s campaign. Accepting all what happens as signs of life, we have to await the outcome.
Maithripala FB
Opposition Iceberg
If there be a mighty big force in motion, in what form and to what purpose does it move? The shape is no different from an iceberg and the target is no less than restoration of democracy. What created the iceberg? Decades of negligence and positive mis-governance. Details need no recounting as citizens know them well. For 26 years from 1983, the war was invoked in mitigation of default. The war victory of 2009, knocked the bottom off all expiatory defence since then.                           Read More