Friday, January 2, 2015

Victory that cannot be secured through clean elections to be sought via computer fraud

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News- 01.Jan.2014, 11.50pM) With every sign and signal pointing at sure defeat of Rajapakse at the upcoming Presidential election, and are most ominously staring in his face , the Rajapakses who are now plunged in deep turmoil and trauma being deprived of the option to win on the legitimate votes of the people have got down computer specialists to probe the possibility of rigging the election results and win elections illegitimately.
Before the election results of each electorate reaches the hands of the Elections commissioner ,or prior to the elections commissioner announcing them , it is to be probed by these foreign specialists whether these results can be rigged via the internet .
It is reported that since the election results of outstations are conveyed by fax, these computer specialists are of the view it is difficult to alter these results in between . There is no method to alter results in between pertaining to a fax message , it is learnt.
Yet , according to Edward Snowden , by installing minute camera lenses in the fax machine , whatever information that goes into the fax machine can be immediately fed into a computer by the intelligence unit.
Based on that , it can be decided quickly whatever alterations to be made via the computer . In the circumstances , what these computer specialists are trying are find ways and means to access the data at the Sri Lanka telecom (SLT) communication system and amend them to the advantage of Rajapakse when the election results are released by the elections commissioner’s office to the internet via the SLT .
Computer experts are harboring suspicions ,though the VPN belongs to the Elections commissioner’s office alone to secretly access the internet , there still exists a possibility for the SLT through another computer to open this secret internet path of the elections commissioner’s office for the foreign computer specialists to access .
These foreign computer specialists have been got down ostensibly on the excuse that they are here to improve the ‘PEO TV’ services provided by the government .These specialists are now staying in the Borella PEO TV center from where computer data are re distributed .
Recently , when the opposition politicos participated in the ‘Satana’ program , it is through this center the program was suddenly interrupted. At any rate ,unfortunately for the Rajapakses , every subterfuge and sly effort of theirs so far aimed at winning elections fraudulently have flopped. The opposition is already alert and awake to this latest Rajapakse fraud with a view to nip it in the bud.
The opposition has made a concerted program to combat the Rajapakse election frauds and vote rigging which was naturally expected . The decoys of the opposition are keeping a secret and sharp watch over Harsha Wijewardena , a computer system fraud advisor of the Rajapakses who is always in and out of Temple Trees and the Colombo University. In any case, it is best if all the fraudsters and racketeers associated with the Rajapakses are kept under strict and scrupulous surveillance . Alibaba , a great robber in the old fictions had only forty thieves to support him , but this Alibaba of the present times has countless thieves to aid and abet him. This is why every patriotic citizen must keep a watch over not only this Alibaba but his too many thieves as well
by     (2015-01-02 02:25:45)