Mazar-e-Sharif, members of a militia called Margh, or Death, don
ninja-style uniforms in the colors of the Afghan flag. Though the
group’s proclaimed enemy is the Islamic State, some observers fear they
will lead to vigilantism or warlordism, eroding support for the
government in Kabul. Andrew Quilty/Oculi/For The Washington Post
By Sudarsan Raghavan February 24 at 8:21 PM
MAZAR-E SHARIF, Afghanistan — The
25 men who gathered last week in a poor enclave of this ancient city
bore the scars of a lifetime of war. One lost four fingers fighting
Taliban militants. Another lost his right leg fighting the Soviets. Now,
seated in a bare room on a cold morning, they declared readiness to
make even greater sacrifices against a new enemy: the Islamic State.
Fear of the Islamic State Spawns a Renegade Afghan Militia by Thavam Ratna
Fear of the Islamic State Spawns a Renegade Afghan Militia by Thavam Ratna