Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Iran threatens to destroy Israel in less than 10 minutes

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Middle East MonitorMonday, 23 February 2015
A senior figure in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Mujtaba du Al-Nour threatened on Saturday that Iran will destroy Tel-Aviv in ten minutes, Israeli website Wallah reported. 
A senior figure in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Mujtaba du Al-Nour threatened on Saturday that Iran will destroy Tel-Aviv in ten minutes, Israeli website Wallah reported.
The threat of the Iranian official was conditioned on Israel making a "mistake" and striking his country's nuclear facilities.
Al-Nour, who is a representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, responded to comments made by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's on Friday, when he said Israel should stop talking and start taking action.
"If the Zionists were sure that they would win in war they would already have initiated it, but they do not have the strength to do that," Al-Nour said. "So they just threaten."
According to the Revolutionary Guards' leader, Iran has rockets that can reach the heart of Tel-Aviv within six or seven minutes after being given the go ahead by the Supreme Guide, "even before the dust of rockets of the Zionists reach us".