A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Thursday, February 26, 2015
New Regime Should Not Commit Hara-Kiri
by Helasingha Bandara
( February 26, 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The majority of the
Sri Lankans has contributed to the defeat of Mahinda Rajapaksha (MR),
laying the faith on Maithripala Sirisena to usher a revolutionary change
in political, social and economic cultures of Sri Lanka. The conspiracy
theory of Mahinda Rajapaksha is a ludicrous explanation of his defeat.
He dug his own grave by choosing the wrong path of rule while in power,
choosing to appease his greed, choosing to adhere to wrong political
maneuvers, choosing the wrong people to save him and choosing the wrong
time being duped by an astrologer. The truth is that the public
desired a change from corrupt governance to good governance, end of
story. Among many expectations, restoration of democracy, elimination of
corruption, prosecution of murderers, criminals, plunderers, drug
dealers and enforcement of law and order that would result in a social,
economic and political transformation were hoped to take priority. The
re-emergence of Rajapaksha or for that matter, anyone else would be
immaterial as long as the new regime headed by the new President
implement what they have promised people, without fear or hesitation.
The promise that Rajapakshas are to be protected should only be limited
to their political activities in relation to the war. They should be
treated as any other ordinary citizen when it comes to other crimes. No
positive discrimination will be tolerated by the people who wanted a
change in which every citizen is expected to be treated equally in both
positive and negative actions. Delaying of actions against crooks,
fraudsters, murderers, criminals, rapists, cheaters, deceivers, liars,
thieves and so on for any reason is committing Hara- Kiri. We the
contributors to the change, which once was thought impossible, will
consider that our efforts are betrayed if the regime does not take the
right path towards that most fancied change, irrespective of political
consequences. Maithri has said that he would not contest again.
Therefore he has nothing to lose by doing the right thing.
Who is Mahinda?
Since the end of the war, Mahinda’s limited intelligence had no scope to
see beyond accumulating personal wealth, enhancing family fortunes,
assisting the family and friends, establishing power and basking in
luxury. In this process he has contravened all civilized traditions,
norms and morays plunging the country into a dark abyss. Apart from his
contribution to the cessation of war there was very little that
Rajapaksha regime can be proud of. He and his cronies have pulled this
country towards hell by stealing people’s wealth, abusing power,
introducing crime and nefarious activities etc that resulted in making
the country the most undesirable place to live in for the ordinary
citizen. Mahinda is clever in his political maneuvering. This does not
mean that he was intelligent to choose his actions with a foresight. He
has not understood how he lost power that he intended to secure for
himself or for his family forever. He is still bent on telling the same
lies through the very same people who caused his defeat. Nugegoda and
the four cronies is the best example.
Dayan Jayathilake
If Dayan Jayathilake (DJ) contests an election independent of an
established political party in any constituency of the country, it would
be a miracle if he gets more than 500 votes. Such is his political
standing among the general masses of the country. They do not know him,
this English educated, self proclaimed political pundit. Very small
percentage of people in Sri Lanka who read English media knows or knows
of him. Luckily they know him or know of him too well that they would
not hesitate for one minute to reject him. We need people of his
education and skill caliber. Yet do we need an undignified opportunist
like Dayan to lead us. The manner in which the MR regime treated and
discarded DJ was most unfair and humiliating. This writer was the first
to draw public attention to the unfair treatment meted out to DJ by the
previous regime. To our utter surprise DJ went back to MR seeking
favours and went down even below the level of Mervin Silva. He firmly
believed that the political cunning and the black money that MR
possessed would take him through the last election and he together with
Mahindapala sang hosannas for MR. Now he knows that there is no
position, power or luxuries come his way. The only remaining hope is to
resurrect MR and hang on to his tail to go to heaven. There is no doubt
that this man does not have the poor masses of this country at his heart
when he embarks on the Mahinda resurrection journey. Those who know him
or know of him know this too well.
Wimal Weerawansa AKA Panikkayalage Wimalsena
I mentioned the alias as both he and his wife are alleged to have
altered their birth certificates. Not knowing how many times and not
knowing which one is his right name it is safer to use all the names
that I have heard. A few years ago the media highlighted the mansion
that he built at the cost of 70.5 million Rupees. People wandered how
Wimalsena who originates from an underprivileged background managed to
have amassed such wealth. I travelled to Sri Lanka after the elections.
Some villagers who are considered uneducated by the so called urbanites
told me that they were tempted to turn off their television sets when
Wimalsena appeared and spoke. Such were his speeches without proper
substance but with hatred, degrading personal slanders and absolute
nonsense that are meant for the gullible masses, a large proportion of
the population that still is. Although I have thought it is
inappropriate to use the name Fool’s Paradise for Sri Lanka any more
after how people voted at the recent elections, I cannot but hesitate to
change my mind totally as there are plenty of fools who can be deceived
by such opportunistic, undignified and debased people like Wimalsena.
Nugegoda was the best example of the so called urban folly.
Vasu & Dinesh
Their total votes put together in an election, contesting from their own
parties would not be sufficient to save even one’s deposit. People of
the country have moved forward a lot that they recognize that those two
have shed their goodness a longtime ago and they are engaged in MR
worship for the lack of confidence in their own goodness, skills,
experience, self and self esteem. They want an MR resurrection to
consolidate their own positions not the wellbeing of their fellow
The President
The President does not have to panic about their activities or agendas
if he can act swiftly on what he promised. That will sort out most of
the rogues. Now that the independence of the Judiciary is believed to be
back on track, most of the fraudsters will have no legal ability to
contest in the forthcoming parliamentary elections, once they are
convicted of their crimes.