Monday, March 30, 2015

Legal action taken against 7,266 mosquito breeders during Dengue Control Week 

 By Don Asoka Wijewardena-March 29, 2015, 

About 54,929 mosquito breeding grounds and 4,405 high risk places infested with dengue larvae had been detected and about 7,266 persons prosecuted during the on-going Dengue Control Week, the Health Ministry said.

Health Ministry Media Spokesman Lal Abeydheera told The Island that during the Dengue Control Week, the Ministry with the assistance of Public Health Inspectors and Ministry officials had so far detected many places and taken legal action against those responsible for facilitating mosquito breeding.

The Health Ministry launched Dengue Control Week on March 26, 27 and 28 in high risk zones, houses, schools, educational centers, both public and private organisations and industrial complexes. Within three days throughout the country, approximately 235,550 places had been inspected and more than 1,155 persons prosecuted, the Spokesman said.

The Dengue Control Week will end on April 1.