Monday, March 30, 2015

Pablo de Greiff to visit Sri Lanka today

Pablo de Greiff to visit Sri Lanka today
logoMarch 29, 2015
UN Special Rapporteur on Truth, Justice, Reparations, and Guarantees of Non-recurrence, Pablo de Greiff, will arrive in Sri Lanka for a six-day visit, the Foreign Affairs Ministry said on Sunday (29).
“Greiff will arrive in Sri Lanka today. He plans to meet with senior officials of the Government and political parties. He looks forward to discussing with Sri Lankan leaders on various issues of mutual concerns,” the Ministry sources said.
Earlier, Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera addressing the 28th Regular Session of Human Rights Council in Geneva said “the government has invited the UN Special Rapporteur, Pablo de Greiff, to visit Sri Lanka for consultations at the end of this month.
The government will also receive the Working Group on Involuntary and Enforced Disappearances and having invited expects the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights also to visit the island. The government will also invite other special procedure mandate holders as well on a needs-based manner.”