A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Tuesday, March 31, 2015
The 19A Allows Private Broadcasters To Legally Skew Elections!
By Wijayananda Jayaweera -March 30, 2015
The new clause 26 of the proposed constitutional amendment allows
private broadcasters to ignore the Election Commission’s media
guidelines if the broadcaster informs the EC in advance of its intention
to support a particular a political party of its choice. The first
version of this text even allowed the state broadcaster to take a
partisan position during the election, but now the new text has limited
the partisan broadcasting only to private broadcasters. Irrespective of
this change what this provision allows is a totally ill advised practice
which has all the potentials to undermine the conduct of a free and
fair elections. The need to go into such operational details about
election related media functions in a constitutional text is also
unheard of.
Let me explain as to why this provision is an ill conceived one.
I have no quarrel if a national newspaper takes a public stand to
support a particular candidate or a political party during an election.
The newspapers are published entirely by private enterprises without
utilising any commonly owned public resources for its sustenance. The
readers who wants to reinforce their own electoral positions would free
to purchase the newspaper which publicly support their preferred
political position or the candidate.
But broadcasting is a completely different matter. Theoretically, each
and every person of Sri Lanka can establish his or her newspaper, but
scarcity of broadcast frequencies allows only few privileged persons to
own and operate the broadcasting services. Therefore, allowing private
broadcasters to become partisans during an election is certainly an
abuse of that privilege. The private broadcasters, though are organised
as private enterprises cannot operate without use of the spectrum, which
is clearly a public property. The spectrum is allocated to both public
and private broadcasters, under a licence, on the understanding that
they have to provide must carry services in the public interest. A fair
and comprehensive coverage of the election is one of those must carry
services which should be provided by broadcasters, irrespective of their
ownership type.
This would mean that all broadcasters should give due weight to the
coverage of major parties during the elections with appropriate coverage
to other parties and independent candidates with significant views and
perspectives, thus enabling the voter to make a well informed decision.
Allowing private broadcasters to become partisan broadcasters during
elections would skew the election results because it engages far more
significant financial interest and much more powerful messaging from the
powerful groups. A biased article in a newspaper is simply not the same
as biased manifested through TV. After all choice of media doesn’t work
in the same way. If I am a right wing supporter I only buy and read
right wing newspapers, so my choices are respected. But since TV is
essentially an entertainment medium I watch the entertainment shows I
like, whatever channels they are on. Thus, allowing private TV channels
to take sides during an election will be a great disadvantage to those
parties and candidates who cannot retain the support of private
broadcasters. This will create a very uneven playing field for the
contestants who are not supported by private broadcasters.
None of the existing private broadcasting institutions are owned through
a transparent and justifiable licencing process. Thus they are not
really accountable to the audiences and there is no independent
oversight authority to see that broadcast media functions in the public
interest. On top of that, the proposed exemption which allows private
broadcasters to ignore the guidelines established to ensure a fair
coverage of elections, would make it even constitutional to skew the
elections through partisan broadcasting by the powerful.
Election is a time in which voters are expected to make well thought out
informed decisions, largely based on the political experiences
reflected through news media. Allegations of media bias are very common
at election time and usually they are difficult to either prove or
disprove. But it is essential to have a system of checks and balances
particularly for broadcast media to look out for and correct any
imbalances in coverage. Were the camera shots and angles manipulative?
Were the questions balanced? Were the significant viewpoints covered?
Were the opinion polls credible and professional ? etc?
We know that the more commercialised a particular media system is, more
likely it is that politics will be framed as a game rather than issues.
This kind of framing requires less interest and knowledge from the
audience. It is precisely for that reason why we need media guidelines
which would compel the private broadcasters at least during the election
times to engage their audiences more as citizens than mere consumers.
Can we really assure a fair and honest coverage of electoral politics if
we make it entirely legal for the private broadcasters to become
partisan and ignore the Election Commission’s media guidelines?. It is
true, that in the US the first amendment disallows regulating media
behaviours during elections, regardless of any objectionable or
irresponsible election coverages they may do. But in all other
established democracies obligation of fair, impartial and non partisan
approach to election coverage is ensured across all type of broadcasting
media through guidelines on election coverages issued by an independent
Election Commission.
Therefore, we should request the legislators to withdraw the proposed
exemption which exclusively allows private broadcasting services to
become partisan broadcasters during the elections, which is totally
unwarrented and undemocratic.