Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A travel ban to Tiran Allas who defrauded Tsunami funds 

tiranTuesday, 07 April 2015
An injunction order with a travel ban has been imposed to parliament MP Tiran Allas for falsely forming an institute named “Radha” in the year 2006 with the approval of the presidential secretariat under the pretext of building houses for the people who lost their houses during the Tsunami in 2004
The following is the news
A company named “Radha” has been formed with the approval of the presidential secretariat in the year 2006 for the people who lost their houses during the Tsunami catastrophe in 2004. Parliament MP Tiran Allas has been the chairman of this company.
Under the treasury budget line 803 finances has been disbursed from the presidential secretariat to this “Radha” institute.
Two companies named B.M.K Holdings and Everest Civil Engineering has been formed in order to build the houses. BMK Holdings was registered by producing forged documents and Everest Civil Engineering was not registered at all. By the way the addresses of these institutions are completely faked.
The money disbursed by the treasury to the president secretariat is debited to this Radha institute, and this dummy Radha institute has debited these funds to the Oomps textiles limited.
One Shanthi Kumar Gajan Kumar has been the director of this Oomps Textiles and the BMK holdings and his mother and the siblings are the members of the director board.
During the investigations it being revealed the state funds remitted to Oomps Textiles has been taken by parliament MP Tiran Allas and Emil Kanthan a member of the LTTE.
During the investigations it was further revealed that no houses have been built by the 645 million rupees given by the treasury to the Radha Institute. It is disclosed that a sum of 125 million rupees has been defraud by issuing nine cheques. By the way this Radha institute has been closed down in the same year.
On this context the directors of this fake company Shanthi Kumar Gajan Kumar and his mother Anandi Shanthi Kumar were taken into custody and would be produced to the Fort Magistrate today the 7th.
Further an injunction order has been imposed with a travel ban to the five member director board of the Radha Company including parliament MP Tiran Alles.
A complaint has been lodged by the Anti Corruption Front to the IGP and the investigations are conducted by a special unit of the police headquarters.
police tiran