Thursday, April 9, 2015

Air Hostess Released For Namal Unable To Describe Exact Location She Worked: Full Report

Colombo Telegraph
April 8, 2015
The Sri Lanka airline cabin crew member released for Namal Rajapaksa’s work was unable to describe the exact location where she worked, the Weliamuna report reveals.
NamalCabin crew member Nithya Senanaya Samaranayaka had been released from the Sri Lankan airline to work at the Presidential Secretariat following a request from the then Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga, but she was actually released for Namal Rajapaksa‘s political work. She was paid approximately Rs. 158,000 per month by both the airline and the Presidential Secretariat.
She had been paid by the airline including allowances for cabin work although there is no explanation of what services she provided except that she had been over paid more than 4.2 million rupees.
According to the Weliamuna report upon enquiry Nithya said;
  1. Their was no identifiable special project that she was attached to.
  2. She was release at the request of Namla Rajapaksa MP whom she know
  3. She could not recollect the names of officers who had known at the Temple Trees or Presidential Secretariat except Ms. Deepa Liyanage.
  4. She was unable to describe the exact location where she worked except the fact that it was some location in the Temple Trees and not in the Presidential Secretariat.
  5. As and when Ms. Samaranayaka wanted, she also flew as a Cabin Crew member once to London and mostly to Regional destinations and she did have ‘recognition’ to be on roster. The promotion letter contains a provision that she is required to complete a minimum of 55 hours of flying per month.
J.C . Weliamuna led Board of Inquiry recommends that the Sri Lankan airlines take action to recover the overpaid amounts from the staff member who has been identified in the report and direct prosecutions of those who authorized misappropriation of public finance.
Read the report below;
Nithya 2Nithya 3
Nithya 1