Monday, April 6, 2015

Dialogue on promoting reconciliation and strengthening of democracy in SL

iti transformation Sunday, 05 April 2015 
As part of an on-going dialogue process towards promoting reconciliation and strengthening of democracy in Sri Lanka, the Government of Switzerland and the In Transformation Initiative (ITI) from South Africa,
invited a group of political, civil society, academic, diaspora and other international stakeholders including an observer from the Government of Australia to a meeting in Singapore from 3 to 5 April 2015.
This is a continuation of dialogues on strengthening democracy and promoting sustainable peace in Sri Lanka, and is consistent with several other initiatives of the Government of Switzerland and ITI that included various meetings and visits by Sri Lankan government ministers and senior officials, opposition and ruling party members, as well as other stakeholders including diaspora representative groups.
Various issues including the on-going democratisation activities in Sri Lanka, potential initiatives for achieving long lasting peace and reconciliation were discussed. It was agreed to continue this engagement
and dialogue to accelerate the process of achieving meaningful reconciliation among all Sri Lankans.