Monday, April 6, 2015

GoSL must turn promises into action – US Asst. Secretary

Assistant Secretary US Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour, Tom Malinowski who visited Sri Lanka from 2 to 4 April briefed the media on the progress under the new Maithri Government. He also visited Jaffna and Aluthgama to see and hear the voice of the people. He met a couple of journalists before his departure on Saturday.
"He said, after following events in this country over the course of my career, I was privileged to make my first visit to this week. During my three-day trip I visited Colombo, Jaffna, Mullaitivu, and Aluthgama, where I had the opportunity to meet with government officials and members of civil society for productive discussions on a range of critical human rights and democracy issues.