Thursday, April 9, 2015

Is Japan’s New ‘Helicopter Destroyer’ an ‘Aircraft Carrier’?

The war of words between China and Japan over a new boat tells us a lot about the shifting balance of power in the Pacific.

Is Japan’s New ‘Helicopter Destroyer’ an ‘Aircraft Carrier’?
Foreign PolicyBY JAMES HOLMES-APRIL 7, 2015
Size matters. But rhetoric matters even more. Is the Izumo, the ship Japan calls a “helicopter destroyer,” really an “aircraft carrier in disguise,” as Chinese commentators allege? The vessel was commissioned into the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) in late March: Judging from the number of stories repeating the phrase “aircraft carrier in disguise” since then, many foreign commentators seem to think so. This suggests that Beijing, not Tokyo, is telling the more compelling story about Japan’s purposes in putting aviation-capable ships to sea.