Tuesday, April 7, 2015

It's Time to Get Serious About Systemic Solutions to Systemic Problems

The Huffington Post -04/01/2015
Co-Authored By James Gustave Speth

2015-04-01-1427899056-8040447-nsp.jpgIt's getting harder and harder to be an optimist. A deep economic crisis has given way to a profoundly unequal recovery. Climate catastrophe is steadily unfolding across the globe. And the work of building a racially inclusive society appears to be stalled -- indeed, in many areas, to be losing ground. All of this in an age of unprecedented technological progress, which has manifestly failed to keep its promises. If there is one saving grace, it is that the pain caused by these interconnected failures make it possible -- for the first time in modern history -- to pose the question of system change in a serious fashion, even in the United States, the faltering heart of global capitalism.