Thursday, April 9, 2015

Rolling Stone’s retraction of University of Virginia gang rape story

John Belushi’s cunningly brutish Bluto, a leader of the notorious Delta Tau Chi fraternity in Animal House, reinforced the notion that in a fraternity anything goes.
The Greanville Post • Vol. IXDavid Walsh-
On April 5, in a major and well-deserved humiliation, Rolling Stonemagazine, the US biweekly devoted primarily to popular culture, was forced to retract its story “A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA,” published November 19, 2014. The 9,000-word piece reported as fact the claims of “Jackie,” a female student at the University of Virginia (UVA), about a horrific gang rape alleged to have taken place in September 2012 at a fraternity house on the campus in Charlottesville, Virginia.