Monday, April 6, 2015

The lobotomized political rejects who were afraid even of the animals that cannot talk in Mahinda’s home now seeking to make him P.M.

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -06.April.2015, 8.30PM) The ex president Mahinda Rajapakse who is deeply in his toils spurred by most despicable motives ,  is trying to split the SLFP party into two again. The political discards -  the dejected SLFP MPs who got on to his rejected platform , in the past were afraid even  of the animals that cannot speak in Mahinda’s house , perhaps have got their heads smashed somewhere and damaged it ,going by their current behavior , SLFP rescue organization convener , Thusitha Halloluwa bemoaned, when he was interviewed by Lanka e news. 
Hereunder are excerpts of the interview :