Monday, April 6, 2015

US rejects Netanyahu’s demand for Iranian 

recognition of Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks out against a nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers,
 April 03, 2015. (Photo credit: Kobi Gideon/GPO)
State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf (Photo credit: YouTube screen capture)Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks out against a nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, April 03, 2015. (Photo credit: Kobi Gideon/GPO)
State Department says agreement with Tehran is ‘only about nuclear issue’. White House bids to prevent congressional interference

Itamar SharonBY ITAMAR SHARON AND AP-April 4, 2015

The Times of IsraelThe US State Department rejected over the weekend Israel’s demand that any final deal with Iran on its nuclear program include recognition of Israel’s right to exist, saying that was not the issue at hand
“This is an agreement that is only about the nuclear issue,” State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters on Friday night, according to Fox News. “This is an agreement that doesn’t deal with any other issues, nor should it.”
Meanwhile the New York Times reported that the White House was already making intense efforts to sell the emerging deal to a reluctant Congress, in order to prevent legislators from blocking the accord.
US Rejects Netanyahu’s Demand for Iranian by Thavam Ratna