Tuesday, April 7, 2015

logoBy Latheef Farook-Apr 6, 2015
The political crisis in Yemen is an issue between the majority Sunnis and the minority Houthi Shias. They are both Yemenis.  
Houthis were equipped, trained and backed by Iran while its bitter opponent Saudi support the Sunnis turning Yemen into a battleground between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
When Houthis attacked and took over the capital Sana’a last month, Saudi Arabia swiftly responded by bombing Houthi targets causing death and destruction.
 Saudi Arabia was joined by Gulf tyrants except Oman. The other Arab dictators too joined Saudi bombing .This included Egypt where the coup leader Abdul Fattah Sisi dispatched three war ships. Perhaps Sisi may be paying his gratitude to Saudi, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait for spending 11 billion   dollar to help him topple Egypt’s democratically elected Islamic government of Dr Mohamed Morsi. Sisi, an open collaborator with Israel, has more than 2500 innocent Egyptians blood on him.
Within 48 hours, Arab League which never solved any Arab issue in its history was summoned at the Egyptian Port city of Sharm el Sheikh .There they decided to establish a joint military force- certainly not to liberate Jerusalem and Palestinians.
Now the question is where this Saudi led coalition of brothers in oppression was when Israel slaughtered starving Palestinians in their repeated genocides in Gaza. No Arab dictator even condemned this Zionist barbarity leave alone helping the Palestinians.
Gaza is a small beach side strip of around 365 sq miles by the Mediterranean Sea. Sandwiched between Egypt and Israel this territory with about 1.5 million Palestinians is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Most of the inhabitants are refugees who traditionally owned their homes and lands in what we now call Israel. But they were chased out at gun point by Jewish terror gangs, and their lands grabbed by migrant Jews with the assistance of the British mandatory authority, to set up the Jewish state of Israel in Palestine in 1948.
pak-protest-yemenIsrael   invaded Gaza in June 2000 and as usual caused death and destruction. In fact Israel killing Palestinian has been no nobody’s business. The US,UK, France  and Europe  together with Arab dictators turned blind eyes to Israeli atrocities described as war crimes by   United Nations which too  remain powerless in the face of  Israeli crimes.
In one of the worst ever Israeli genocides of Palestinians on 27 December 2008 Israel, using the most sophisticated and most destructive fighter planes and weapons supplied by United States, virtually turned Gaza into a slaughterhouse.
During the 22 days of its carnage Israel killed 1,334  Palestinians one-third of them children ,injured 5,450 of whom one-third children, displaced 100,000, made homeless 50,000 ,destroyed 4,100 residential homes and buildings , damaged 17,000   (together accounting for 14 percent of all buildings in Gaza),destroyed 29 educational institutions, including the American International School, destroyed or damaged 92 mosques,1,500 destroyed shops, factories and other commercial facilities,20 ambulances, ruined 35-60% of agricultural land  and caused an estimated damage of  $1.9 billion in total estimated damages.
The destruction was suspended only in time for President elect Barack Obama to take his oaths as the new President of the United States.
 On Monday 7 July 2014 Israel unleashed its latest barbaric and relentless aerial, land and sea attacks on Gaza indiscriminately killing men, women, children and the aged.
 Israel has killed more than 2500 Palestinians, around 80 percent of them civilians with children accounting for m more than 70 of the more than 8000 injured –some of them very seriously. Under the ongoing massacre Israel has so far caused more than five billion dollar in damages and destroyed over 40,000 homes and displaced more than quarter million people.
What a shameful state of affairs that an Israeli minister told that they would ask Saudi Arabia and UAE to finance the reconstruction.
Video footage of elderly Palestinian women being mercilessly kicked, slapped, beaten and thrashed while children scream shocked everyone except of course the Arab dictators.
 Israelis   killed families fleeing from its bombardment. .There were no places to shelter the displaced families. There was no food, no water or medicine for the brutalized people who were blockaded by all four sides by Israel.  Egypt kept the Rafa border crossing, the only exit point for the Palestinians, closed.
No Arab country sent a bottle of water. Instead   Egypt blocked food and medicine sent from kind hearted people outside Middle East.
There was eerie silence in the Middle East during all repeated massacres and destructions. Only Turkey, Qatar and Iran vehemently condemned the Zionist barbarity in Gaza.
While Arab dictators colluded with Israel, Latin American countries not only condemned but severed diplomatic ties with Israel and taken Palestinian victims to their countries to help.
This was the lowest moral depth to which  Arab dictators brought the Muslim Middle East which was pushed back several centuries due to US led invasions during the past quarter century.
yemen-deathWhat does this means? There is no more Arab Israeli conflict in the Middle East as the Arab dictators remain hand in glove with Israel in killing and crippling Palestinian resistance and    facilitating the creation of greater Israel.
The dirty job of crushing Palestinian resistance was handed over to Palestinian quisling Mahmud Abbas who arrest, torture and even kill Palestinians under the treacherous security agreement with Israel. Thus Palestinian resistance against Israeli atrocities has been virtually crippled. Today Palestinians remain sandwiched between Israelis hell bent on eliminating them and grabbing their lands and Mahmud Abbas preventing Palestinians from resisting Israeli atrocities and expansionism.
Arab dictators are least bothered about their countries, their people, Islam or Muslims leave alone helping Palestinians and liberating Palestinian lands and Jerusalem- first Qibla of Muslims and the third most important place in Islam after Makka and Madina.
They are only worried about protecting their power, comforts and their looted wealth invested in the west. Their unpopular regimes, known for their oppressions, survive only due to US support. To ensure this they readily compromise anything and everything.
This is how they sold their souls and established secret and open ties with Israel and collaborate in all its designs against the region.
They were active collaborators with United States, United Kingdom, France, Europe and Israel in their invasions and destructions of   Muslim countries and the slaughter of millions of Muslims who otherwise lived with all comforts in their own houses. Around 18 million Muslims are in refugee camps in appalling conditions today with no hope of any future for them and their children.
These wars on Muslim countries have put the Middle East several centuries behind to the benefit of Israel.
This is today’s Middle East.  Ends