Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sri Lanka: Sex Work Should Be Decriminalized

Colombo Telegraph
By Christopher Rezel –May 3, 2015
Christopher Rezel
Christopher Rezel
It’s time for Sri Lanka to decriminalize sex work or validate it in some manner in order to manage what is a decades-old reality.
Bringing prostitution within the bounds of legality will curb the spread of sexual diseases, including AIDS, and remove barriers that drive away social workers from providing these vulnerable men and women medical and counselling assistance.
It will eliminate underground criminal elements that now operate brothels and derive the most financial benefit, besides stop exploitation of the desperate and helpless involved in the trade.
In our attitude towards these and other less fortunate individuals in society, we must be guided by the Buddhist ideal of compassion.
Sri Lankan is a country of high literacy and the above observations would be self-evident. But there is a tendency in most of us to surrender our rights on ethical issues to the various religions that seek to monopolise them.
Media reports of occasional brothel raids in poorer neighbourhoods may grab public interest but has done little to stop an industry that is resilient and widespread. Police raids are scarce at the top end of town, on star-class hotels and other exclusive venues, where city-savvy prostitutes transact encounters.
sexyIn this regard, it would be naive to promote tourism and think that single male and female visitors spend their dollars on merely experiencing beaches, landscapes and archaeological artefacts. The reality is that after dark they seek out physical excitement and fulfilment in bars, pubs and clubs, such as they would normally do at home.                                        Read More