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A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Sunday, August 30, 2015
Can the IAEA’s New Nuclear Fuel Bank Prevent a Future Iran Crisis?

Whether to accept or reject a deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program will
be at the top of Congress’s agenda when lawmakers return to Washington
next month. But a storage facility for low-enriched uranium run by the
International Atomic Energy Agency is shedding new light on how such a
standoff might be averted for future generations.
The globally administered IAEA nuclear fuel bank, hosted by Kazakhstan
and operational in 2017, aims to provide countries with a steady and
predictable supply of low-enriched uranium. It is also set up to
discourage governments from building facilities that could be used to
purify uranium to weapons-grade levels — an issue that has been at the
heart of the deadlock between Iran and world powers for more than a
The fuel bank agreement, which was signed Thursday at the Kazakh capital Astana, comes after the nuclear deal reached
between Iran and six world powers in July. The deal, if enacted, will
limit the amount of uranium that Tehran produces and opens the Islamic
Republic’s enrichment program to international inspections, in exchange
for an easing of harsh sanctions that have cropped Iran’s economy. All
along, Iran has maintained its nuclear program is strictly peaceful, and
necessary to meet the country’s energy and medical demands. The IAEA’s
fuel bank, in theory, could negate the need for Iran or other nations to
produce their own uranium in the future.
But questions remain over how the new initiative will work in practice.
Supporters view the fuel bank as a way to safeguard nuclear supplies and
reduce countries’ needs to develop nuclear weapons. “If this fuel bank
had existed ten years ago, perhaps Iran would not have pursued uranium
enrichment even to low-enriched uranium for peaceful use in its power
reactors,” U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense Andrew C. Weber, who
oversees the Pentagon’s nuclear, chemical and biological defense
programs, told the crowd in Astana.
It may also help as a non-proliferation tool, said Kingston Reif,
director of disarmament and threat reduction policy at the
Washington-based Arms Control Association.
The IAEA repository “can serve as a fuel supply of last resort in the
event that a state with civilian reactors can’t access fuel from the
international market,” Reif told Foreign Policy. “In that regard, it can
reduce the incentive that states might have on the basis of a fuel
supply cutoff to develop their own enrichment and reprocessing.”
But the storage supply will only hold up to 90 tonnes of low-enriched
uranium, enough to run one light-water reactor to power a large city for
three years. An estimated 40 nations currently are eyeing building
maiden nuclear power plants, according to the IAEA, and each will either
need to produce fuel to operate or buy it elsewhere. With such
relatively little uranium available, the fuel bank largely will serve as
a last ditch reserve should supply be disrupted for any given reactor.
And that might not be enough to turn a country away from pursuing its
own enrichment capacity. Moreover, the facility in Kazakhstan makes
available low-enriched uranium for governments to purchase, but the
uranium still needs to be fabricated into fuel — a potentially lengthy
process that could make countries think twice about using the bank.
“If a government is in a situation where its supply is quickly cut, it
would likely take a few years to find a country to manufacture this
enriched uranium and then license this fuel for the reactor,” Pavel
Podvig, the head of the Russian Nuclear Forces Project in Geneva and
columnist at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, told FP. “It would be very difficult to resolve these problems on a practical timescale.”
With concerns about running out of fuel, the economics of nuclear energy
could push a government toward building its own enrichment capacity.
“For example, building a fleet of five reactors would cost a government
at least $10 billion and an enrichment plan would cost a few billion
more. If a country is already willing to pay this much, it might make
sense to invest the extra billions on enrichment to make sure they don’t
turn into pumpkins,” Podvig said.
That renders the IAEA supply bank a largely symbolic stopgap to keep
nations from running out of fuel. Experts say all eyes will be on the
program to see if it, in fact, steers countries away from enrichment.
The Kazakh government is also hoping its resume on nuclear non-proliferation can lend to the fuel bank’s credibility.
Most of the former Soviet Union’s nuclear tests took place in
Semipalatinsk, in north-eastern Kazakhstan. By 1989, following the
closure of the program due to protests, Semipalatinsk had held 30
surface, 88 atmospheric, and 340 nuclear underground tests. Since the
breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kazakhstan has followed a
foreign policy strongly against the proliferation of nuclear weapons,
voluntarily surrendering its nuclear weapons stockpiles, the fourth
largest in the world at the time, which it inherited from the Soviet
Nuclear fuel bank programs from the United States, Russia, and the
United Kingdom already exist, but the bank in Kazakhstan is the first
under international auspices. The IAEA hopes it will play a larger role
in preventing proliferation by persuading countries they can afford to
forgo the ability toenrich their own fuel without risking political
fallout or national security.
“Countries will be watching how this fuel bank performs,” Reif said. “If
it can deliver to customers in a timely fashion and ease concerns, the
implications could be big.
IIPA via Getty Images