Sunday, August 30, 2015

Next Leader Of The Opposition In Sri Lanka

By Sarath Wijesinghe –August 29, 2015
Sarath Wijesinghe
Sarath Wijesinghe
Colombo Telegraph
Sri Lanka follows the Westminster modal, though currently transformed to a mixture of Presidential/ Parliamentary system. Opposition exists by customs, and normal expectations and customs were modified by political realities from time to time. Sri Lanka followed the Westminster model since 1935 and a country mastered on the conventions and practices of the British Model. Free and fair elections supervised by thousands of foreign observers and their positive comments on the General Election and the way the elections were conducted are a credit and an example to the civilized world of democratic ideals. Opposition and the leader of the opposition is a necessity to the democracy and a democratic modelled government system. Sri Lanka can be proud to have followed the democratic ideals and systems based on the British Model following the conventions and traditions of the Western world and Sri Lankan experiences which is exemplary.
In 1846 the Conservative party split into Protectionist Conservative and “Peelite” or liberal Conservatives fractions. The Protectionists became the largest group; the recognized large group in the same party, the recognized leader of the opposition were drawn from the ranks. Though Britain is free to change the conventions and procedure in the absence of a written constitution they continuously adhered to the previous traditions and we too followed the traditions, conventions and the writings of the Jurists and the directions of series of case law and opinions on the subject.
Chandrika SampanthanSri Lanka is facing a dilemma and a complex situation on the same issue in a different situation based on the change of Government and the President in a most unusual manner unique to Sri Lanka in which the President of the country happened to be the Head of the State, Cabinet, Armed Forces and the Chairman of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party which has secured the second highest Members in Parliament. Prime Minister who is the leader of the UNP with the highest Members of Parliament but not the absolute majority, has formed the government and steps are being taken for the formation of cabinet with the participation of the Major Opposition and other parties to be called a National Government with objections from the JVP which has secured few seats and a sizable number of SLFP Members of Parliament. Many names and proposals have emerged and it is time for the Political leaders and the concerned citizens to arrive at consensus on this matter based on past experiences national and international.                                   Read More