Saturday, August 29, 2015

No repeal of PTA at present

2015-08-28 07
The government is not considering the revocation or the amendment of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) at present, a minister said yesterday.

Earlier, the Campaign for Free and Fair Elections, a local election monitoring body, had said that it should be repealed. The organisation called it a draconian piece of legislation that was used to suppress human rights.

However, Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, in response to a query, said the government was not considering it at the moment.

He said the government would prioritise the enactment of legislation such as the Right to Information Bill, the National Audit Bill and the Judicial Protection Bill.

He said government would start work on these, and also on amendments to the Buddhist Temporalities Ordinance on a priority basis. (Kelum Bandara) - See more at: