Monday, September 28, 2015

A protest for removing the pulp from the cultural and presenting to Akila

Lankanewsweb.netA protest for removing the pulp from the cultural and presenting to Akila 

Sep 27, 2015
hostile situation has been erupted against the education minister Akila Viraj within his ministry for removing some of the state institutions such as the Central Cultural Fund, National Arts Board, Gramodaya Public Arts Center, The Public Performance Board, Tower Hall Foundation, National Arts Gallery and the National Archeological Department from the Cultural Ministry and giving it to the education minister. 

The hostile group says that it is similar to giving the pulp of the cashew nut to the education minister and giving the skin to the cultural minister. 
Report reaching us confirms according to the enactment bill, the central cultural fund cannot be removed from the cultural ministry and the change has been made without considering the legal obligations. 
Although the scopes of the new ministries of the new government was gazette last 22nd the ministers of the Good Governance have showed resentment of their ministry scopes and how state institutions are divided. 
While some ministers have received 20 state institutions and some ministers has got only two or three institutions and attaching relevant state departments to a different ministry is the cause for this displeasure. 
A minister told us that a great unfair have been caused and special privileges have been given to a few selected groups when dividing ministries. 
Although 48 ministries were approved in the parliament last 22nd according to the gazette notification 50 ministry scopes were released.
Scopes of Defense, Mahaweli Developmet and the Environment Ministry scopes have not been changed. 22 state institutions have been removed from the Prime Minister and given to other ministries and the National Wages Commission and National Center for Leadership Development has been taken under Prime Minister. 
35 state institutions which was under the finance ministry has been reduced to 26 and all state banks and its attached financial companies have been taken under the State Enterprise Development Ministry. 
Meantime Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation and its controlled institutions and State Plantation Corporation, Land Development Board, Sri Lankan Air Lines, Kurunegala, Chilaw and Galoya Plantation Companies, Cashew Corporation and Mihin Lanka has been given to minister Kabeer Hashim. 
When going through the gazette it is learnt that some ministers have been given more than 25 constituted institutions and state departments and some ministries has been given less than four institutions. 
When entrusting state institutions to the new cabinet ministers 36 state institutions have been given to the Industry and Commerce minister Rishard Bathiudeen. 
There was no scope entrusted to the Minister of national integration.