Friday, October 30, 2015

Field Marshal SF refutes MR’s bunker story : never a security council meeting in such a bunker (video)

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -29.Oct.2015, 1.00PM) During the period of the war, never was  a meeting of the security council held in an underground  bunker in the way Mahinda Rajapakse has revealed , and as army commander he had never seen such an underground bunker . Hence this bunker has been constructed on the sly , Field marshal Sarath Fonseka the then army commander  revealed to Lanka e news.
Field marshal Fonseka made the above comments when Lanka e news inquired from him with reference to the recent statement made by Mahinda Rajapakse  at Abhayarama that there is no such  underground palace , and it is just an underground bunker where  security council meetings were held at that time when LTTE was launching aerial attacks. While  the ex president was making desperate efforts  to refute allegations regarding the four storeyed super luxury palace within the presidential  house during his 9 year long  brutal and most corrupt reign , the former army commander and war hero Field marshal Sarath Fonseka dropped this bombshell blasting the lies uttered by  mendacious Mahinda Rajapakse into smithereens.
Fonseka speaking further said , it was requested by him in case there is a need to build a bunker for protection from attack, that task shall be entrusted to the army . Mahinda after rejecting his request , constructed this super luxurious underground palace on the sly together with the Navy Commander. Even Fonseka passing  that way was resented and disliked  by Mahinda Rajapakse , the field marshal pointed out.
Fonseka questioned why such a super luxurious palace is needed to escape from LTTE attacks? Just being under the concrete is sufficient , he added. Presumably , Mahinda Rajapakse built this because he was in fear that the fate that befell dictator Gadafi is in store for him  too- that is , to hide in case the people rise against him. Even in the 400 acre land of his younger sister at Deniyaya ,a similar mansion had been built. The Filed marshal  questioned from where did ex president ‘s  younger sister get so much money to buy that 400 acre land?
The more important question is the cost of construction of this underground palace .It has been shown that the cost of building the army headquarters at Pelawatte and that of this palace are same. It is stated ,that cost is US dollars 33 million ! Field Marshal Fonseka the former army commander who knew the inside out about these colossal waste of public  funds on profligate so called security projects , revealed.
The media reported on the Deniyaya underground palace referred to by Filed Marshal Fonseka as follows :
An underground palace has been constructed at Deniyaya on the lines of that at the presidential palace.That construction was begun on 12 th January 2009. The building materials (bricks, sand, cement etc.) that were used for the Hambantota port project were used for this construction as well. These materials were transported to Deniyaya Nathagala land by the tippers that belonged to the Maha Neguma project. 
That Nathagala land was purchased in the name of Mahinda Rajapakse’s younger sister’s name, and its  extent is 400 acres.While there already existed a concreted road, another was built.This was built exclusively to enter the underground palace at Deniyaya .Three journalists who visited that place on 2 nd October 2009, to do an inspection  were taken into custody on terrorism charges under the prevention of terrorism Act. By that time two storeys of this underground palace had been completed .
This four storeyed bunker was fully equipped with the latest communication equipments and telephones. On the lowest storey in the underground ,was  a super luxury kitchen and a passage under construction.In addition , a helicopter pad was being constructed for  this luxury replete mansion . However with the media exposing this in 2009, all construction were completed immediately except the helicopter pad.
The video tape of Field Marshal Fonseka exposing the lies uttered regarding the bunker  by Mahinda Rajapakse best known for his worst mendacious nature  can be viewed hereunder 
by     (2015-10-29 07:31:02)