A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Saturday, November 28, 2015
Another Big Step To A Major War
is point-man for the odd coalition of stealthy ISIS backers that
includes the US, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, France and Britain. ISIS
is their weapon of choice against Shia Iran and its Syrian and Lebanese
allies and, very soon, Taliban in Afghanistan. Problem is, they back
ISIS but can’t control its youthful members. The rabid dog they helped
breed is now running around biting people.

by Eric S. Margolis
( November 27, 2015, New York City, Sri Lanka Guardian) Turn
to page 214 in the book “War-making for Dummies.” You will find: “plan
air operations right on your neighbor’s border, zig in and zag out, make
rude gestures at enemy pilots, and shoot them down if you can.”
On Tuesday this week, the inevitable air crash occurred on the
Syrian-Turkish border west of Aleppo. From what we know so far, two
Russian SU-24 bombers that had been pounding anti-Damascus forces on the
border briefly intruded on Turkish airspace for all of 17 seconds.
Turkish F-16 fighters, clearly pre-positioned in the area, pounced on
the Russians and downed one Sukhoi with air-to-air missiles. One of the
Russian pilots was killed – probably by pro-Turkish Syrian tribesmen
while parachuting to earth. A Russian Marine was killed when the
helicopter in which he was flying to recuse the downed airman was hit by
a US-supplied TOW anti-tank missile.
Turkey claimed it had warned the Russian warplane 10 times’ before
shooting. How the Turks could pre-position its F-16’s and issue ten
warnings within 17 seconds was not explained. Russia’s president
Vladimir Putin furiously accused the Turks of murder and supporting ISIS
The US-led NATO alliance rushed to backup member Turkey, which moved
forces to its long border with Syria. Putin ordered lethal, long-ranged
S-400 anti-aircraft missiles to Syria and missile cruiser “Moskva” to
station off Syria’s Mediterranean coast. Both systems can cover large
parts of western Syria, including areas routinely intruded upon by US,
French, British and Israeli aircraft.
In short, a perfect witch’s stew for the beginning of a real war between
Russia and the West that has been simmering in Syria and Ukraine. US
forces are now operating in both nations within spitting distance of
Russian troops.
The location of this Russo-Turkish clash was very interesting, though
unnoted by western media. It occurred along the southern end of a small,
narrow salient of Turkish territory jutting into Syria.
The Turkish territory in question is Hatay Province: it contains the
former Crusader stronghold of Antioch and the important port of
Iskenderun. Hatay has been the arena of military crises since the first
recorded battle there in 853 BC.
Hatay belonged to historic Syria until detached after World War I by
Syria’s French colonial masters and handed to Turkey in an attempt to
bribe the Turks to become French allies. Syria has long demanded the
return of Hatay.
This week’s clash over Hatay will likely revive Syrian demands for a
return of Hatay. Turkey dismisses all Syrian claims. The groundwork has
thus been laid for a new Syrian-Turkish conflict.
Who is to blame for the latest crisis on the Turkish-Syrian border? Both
sides. Neither should have been flying combat patrols over the border
region. There should have been a minimum ten km buffer zone on both
sides of the sensitive border.
Turkish trigger-happy hotheads are to blame for authorizing deadly force
when a few wing wags would have served to warn off the Russians – if
they were, in fact, intruding. Turkey is in no position to claim it’s
the injured party when arms, munitions and logistics support for ISIS
has been pouring across its border into Syria for almost five years.
Russia, which accidentally shot down a South Korean airliner in 1982, is
no angel either. Nor the US, which downed an Iranian airliner in 1988.
Turkey is point-man for the odd coalition of stealthy ISIS backers that
includes the US, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, France and Britain. ISIS
is their weapon of choice against Shia Iran and its Syrian and Lebanese
allies and, very soon, Taliban in Afghanistan. Problem is, they back
ISIS but can’t control its youthful members. The rabid dog they helped
breed is now running around biting people.
By picking a fight with Russia, Turkey is shooting itself in the foot.
Russia and the predecessor of modern Turkey, the Ottoman Empire, fought
innumerable wars from the 1680’s until World War I. Russia has never
abandoned its desire to seize the Straits, as Constantinople and the
Dardanelles were called.
Turkey exports $4 billion to Russia and imports large quantities of
wheat, oil, gas, steel. Four and a half million Russian tourists come
annually to Turkey. Shooting down a Russian warplane will make
hyper-nationalist Turks beat their chests but the hangover will
seriously damage Turkey’s unsteady economy.
Putin and Turkey’s Erdogan should meet asap to resolve their issue
before it becomes yet another step on the road to World War III.
copyright Eric S. Margolis 2015