Thursday, November 26, 2015

Identify Edward Rienzie the money launderer for Rajapakses :Sirisena to the fore to rescue this scoundrel

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News- 25.Nov.2015, 7.30AM)  It is a well and widely known fact that South Asia’s colossally wealthy but infamously famous  Medamulana Mahendra Percy Rajapakse during his reign got together with his  family and  plundered the motherland  most ruthlessly and secretly on a scale unprecedented in the country’s history. Now Lanka e news inside information division is in receipt of information that this massive wealth amassed on the sly were invested through a henchman of the Rajapakses by the name of Edward Rienzie who ostensibly conducted business. 
This Rajapakse henchman who arrived in SL from England, and while masquerading  as an investor , was  lavishly spending in millions of dollars buying a property every month in SL. Hereunder are the properties he bought :
* Colombo Asha Central hospital  spending US dollars 250 million
* Thalpe Frangipani Tree  hotel spending US dollars 3 million
* Thembili house hotel Galle , for Rs. 1.2 million.
* Balapitiya White Villa hotel for US dollars 1.5 million dollars
* Kandy Mansion hotel for Us dollars 3.5 million
* Two properties in Colombo 07 belonging to a most famous architect Jeffrey Bawa   for US dollars 2.8 million.
* In addition he  purchased Ahangama Maruyana Hotel  , and Nuwara eliya Villa Rice hotel  , whose prices are not known.
* In Kandy , Sigiriya and Trincomalee too he purchased properties paying US dollars 10 million approximately. These purchases are still being investigated .
* In India too at Jaipur he purchased properties spending US dollars 5 million.
It is incredible but true  , although Edward Rienzie bought all these properties , there is no source of origin for this prodigious wealth . What is even more incredible and shocking than the mysterious Rienzie is the colossal wealth of the Rajapakses . It is this huge wealth illegally amassed by the Rajapakses that have been utilized by Rienzie to make these massive purchases. In other words Rienzie was the channel for the money laundering activities of the Rajapakses.  
Then came the sudden change . Rienzie after spending  in millions of dollars extravagantly , and purchasing  properties with gay abandon , all these expenditures halted suddenly and strangely after 9 th January 2015. Rienzie had brought in these colossal sums of dollars form Dubai , Singapore , and countries considered  as international marketing headquarters. In addition he had got down remittances from Islands such as Lebuan and St. Kist . Countries like Lebuan and St. Kist are new markets  noted for money laundering.
FCID has commenced investigations into  the clandestine activities and businesses of Edward  Rienzie who did the money laundering activities for the Rajapakses ,but  as is almost always the case , whenever  FCID investigations are  launched against the powerful and the political bigwigs , Rienzie too  instead of making  a statement has entered hospital . Thanks to the united  government that came into being to install   good governance , for the notorious Rajapakse rogues like Edward Rienzie are able to  flaunt their wealth in order to blur and   blind   the sight of Maithripala Sirisena  , thereby  exploiting the united government , and enjoying life to the hilt  at the expense of the country.
Not only Maithripala Sirisena of the government of good governance  , even  those who somersaulted to the UPFA  of Mahinda Rajapakse to strengthen the hands of the latter , and for most opportunistic reasons pole vaulted to the UNP at the last minute , and are now holding ministerial portfolios are bringing pressure to bear on the investigators , it is reported. May we issue a dire warning that this is a most dangerous trend , and full of lethal portents . 
In this photograph is Edward Rienzie with his family at a sumptuous meal in Indonesia . If the other youngster sporting a beard is ‘Nisitha’ then he is his despicable sidekick . He consumes blue label whisky – the most expensive whisky  in the world!
By a  special reporter of Lanka e News 
If there is any more information about Edward Rienzie please forward them to Lanka e News. 
by     (2015-11-25 02:23:43)