Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Sampanthan tells Power that UNHRC resolution needs to be fully implemented
23 November 2015
Meeting with the US ambassador, Samantha Power, who is currently visiting the North-East, the leader of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), R Sampanthan urged the US to continue their assistance and ensure the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution was fully implemented.

"We have spoken about the all the things we need to [including] the many problems our people face, especially land disputes, political prisoners, militarisation, the resettlement of the people, rehabilitation, housing needs, employment opportunities," Mr Sampanthan told journalists shortly after the meeting.

"We have informed them regarding many difficulties. Above everything else, the UN resolution needs to be implemented fully, but to implement it fully, the UNHRC and America need to carry out their duties fully. We continue to need their help."

"We also spoke about a political solution. A just political solution should be given to the Tamil speaking people in Tamil areas, in a way that our people can live in their country with dignity, self-respect and rights."

"We have reiterated that the Tamil speaking people should received a just solution, a solution that could be implemented, a solution that could last [and] a solution that gives enough power."

"The meeting was a very satisfying meeting. We trust that we will continue to receive their help."

Asked for his thoughts about a conversation between Samantha Power and the Chief Minister of the Northern Province, C V Wigneswaran on the presence of the military, Mr Sampanthan replied that he would not express a view on that as it would not be appropriate to speak on that conversation.

He went on to say, "the military presence should be reduced."

"Due to the heavy military presence, the people are experiencing discomfort and are in a state without dignity. Therefore we have asked them to help to reduce the military presence."

"We had a meeting with ambassador Samantha Power. It was a very successful meeting. We discussed very comprehensively all issues, including current issues - the implementation of the UN Human Rights Council resolution, the question of a political solution, everything was fully discussed."

"She raised many questions with us, which we answered. It was a satisfactory meeting and it is our expectation that further efforts will result in our moving towards Sri Lanka being a peaceful, progressive, prosperous country."
Ms Power visited Jaffna yesterday, where she met with a wide range of Tamil civil society actors, journalists and politicians across the North.

On arrival on the island, the ambassador told reporters that "the world is watching what is happening Sri Lanka".