Tuesday, December 29, 2015

PM appoints 24-member committee on constitutional reforms

logoTuesday, 29 December 2015
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe with approval of the Cabinet, has appointed a 24-member committee comprising representatives from political and civil society to obtain views on constitutional reforms from the public.RanilWikremesinghe2-IN
The Committee is headed by Attorney-at-Law Lal  Wijenaike and comprises Faizer Musthapha PC, Prof. Gamini Samaranayake, Dr. Navaratna Bandara, Prof. M.L.A. Cader, N. Selvakumaran, S. Thavarajah, Kushan de Alwis PC, Dr. Harini Amarasuriya, Dr. Kumudu Kusum Kumara, Attorney-at-Law Sunil Jayaratne, Dr. Upul Abeyratne, Themiya Hurulle, Winston Pathiraja, S. Vijesandiran, Attorney-at-Law M.Y.M. Faiz, Nadika Damayanthi, Attorney-at-Law Kanthi Ranasinghe, S.C.C. Illangakone and Samarasiri Hapuarachchi.

This Committee has been mandated to seek oral and written submissions from the public. Thereafter their report will be considered by the Cabinet Sub Committee on Constitutional Reforms.