A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Retro Cold War Guff From the NY Times
is a vast nation with very difficult geography that limits its
different military regions from supporting one another – a problem from
which Russia has suffered since its 1904 war with Japan. Moscow needs
large, often redundant armed forces to cover its immensity. This
includes the warming Arctic, where Russia, like other coastal nations,
is asserting its sovereignty. And Russia must also keep a watchful eye
on neighboring China.

by Eric S. Margolis
( December 27, 2015, New York City, Sri Lanka Guardian) A
striking example of how dangerously Americans are misinformed and
misled by the war party was featured in a major article in 24 December,
New York Times.
In “Russia Rearms for a New Era,” the authors assert Russian military
spending is growing and has risen $11 billion from 2014 to 2015. Lurid
maps and diagrams of weapons make it seem that Stalin’s 210-division Red
Army is again on the march – and headed into Europe.
A professor at Columbia’s Harriman Institute was actually quoted
claiming that President Vladimir Putin is trying to “provoke the US and
NATO into military action” to bolster his popularity.
What unbelievable rubbish. This dimwitted lady believes that Putin,
whose popularity ratings rise over 82% in Russia, needs to court nuclear
war to gain a few more points? Shame on the NY Times.
Let’s look at the true figures. The US so-called “defense budget”(it
should be called “offense budget”) is in the range of $600 billion, 37%
of total world military spending by a nation that only 5% of world
Some studies put the true figure at $700 billion.
Not included in this figure are “black” projects, a lot of handouts to
foreign military forces, and secret slush funds for waging small wars in
Afghanistan, the Mideast, Africa and Asia. The US has over 700 military
bases around the globe, with new ones opening all the time.
The US spends more on its armed forces than the next nine military
powers – combined. America’s wealthy allies in Europe and Japan add
important power to America’s global military domination.
Russia defense spending is roughly $70 billion, and this in spite of
plunging oil prices and US-led sanctions. France and Britain each spend
almost as much; Saudi Arabia spends more. A French admiral ruefully told
me the US Navy’s budget alone exceeded that of France’s total armed
Russia is a vast nation with very difficult geography that limits its
different military regions from supporting one another – a problem from
which Russia has suffered since its 1904 war with Japan. Moscow needs
large, often redundant armed forces to cover its immensity. This
includes the warming Arctic, where Russia, like other coastal nations,
is asserting its sovereignty. And Russia must also keep a watchful eye
on neighboring China.
The Kremlin’s view is that America is trying to tear down what’s left of
the post-Soviet Russian Federation by subversion (see regime changes in
Georgia, Ukraine) and by stirring up Muslim independence movements in
the Caucasus and Central Asia. That’s why Russian military forces are
fighting in Syria.
After the total collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia’s economy
and its once potent military fell to ruin. For two decades, Russia
military was starved of men and money, and allowed to rust. Putin has
been playing catch-up for the past decade to rebuild his nation’s great
power status and defend against what Russians see a constant western
Memories are still raw of how Russia’s most secret military technologies
were sold to the US during the ultra-corrupt Yeltsin era.
Russia’s relatively modest military budget is hardly a threat to the
mighty United States. In fact, the only real Russia threat we face is
the danger of blundering into a potential nuclear confrontation with
Russia in Ukraine, the Black Sea, Syria or Iraq. Great, nuclear-armed
powers should never…repeat, never…engage in direct confrontations.
It appalls and mystifies me that otherwise smart, world-wise people at
the NY Times and the anti-Russian Council on Foreign Relations would
even contemplate military conflict with Russia – for what? Mariupol
Ukraine or Idlib, Syria, places no one has ever heard of.
We have been closer to blundering into nuclear war with Russia than any
time since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. Or worse, 1983, when a NATO
military exercise codenamed Able Archer was misinterpreted by the Soviet
military as an incoming attack by NATO.
This ultimately terrifying crisis was played against the background of
intense anti-Soviet propaganda by the West, crowned by Ronald Reagan’s
fulminations against the “Evil Empire,” which convinced the Kremlin a
western attack was coming. Nuclear war was just averted thanks to a few
courageous officers in the Soviet Air Defense Command.
copyright Eric S. Margolis 2015
copyright Eric S. Margolis 2015