Friday, January 29, 2016

 China warns of Soros’ war on Asian economies

george_soros( January 27, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The People’s Daily, China’s official newspaper, has warned George Soros not to challenge China’s currency. Today’s (27th) issue of ‘People’s Daily’ states Soros had announced ‘he had short sold Asian currencies’ and due to his influence ‘the global financial market saw more severe fluctuations and Asian currencies are facing more speculative pressure.‘However, Soros’challenge to the RMB and Hong Kong dollar are doomed to fail, without any doubt,’ states Chinese newspaper.
It states’the economic growth of China was twice that of the U.S. Against the 10-percent-drop in global trade, China’s export only declined by 1.8 percent.
In addition, China is still upgrading its industrial structure and leading in more areas.’ The newspaper also reminds that ‘China has become the second largest economy in the world.’ ‘People’s Daily’ also states ‘Soros’ “war” on Asian currencies will help China deepen fiscal and financial cooperation whether in East Asia or along the “Belt and Road’.
George Soros was invited to Sri Lanka by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and like Packer during Mahinda Rajapaksa regime, chaired a summit on Sri Lanka’s economy. According to media he had also provided facilities for Wickremesinghe to attend World Economic forum.
Born in Hungary and considered as the second biggest investor in the world Soros is a US businessman who has been accused regarding the economic and financial crisis that occurred in Eastern Asia during mid nineties.
Malaysia’s former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused him of destroying the economy of Eastern Asian countries by instantly withdrawing funds that had been invested in those countries. Also, two foundations launched by George Soros have been officially banned by the Russian government. Russia charged that the groups pose a threat to Russian national security and public order.
Here is full report carried by People’s Daily;

Think twice before declaring war on Chinese currency

By Mei Xinyu (People’s Daily Online) 10:14, January 27, 2016
The billionaire investor George Soros has grasped the headlight of the Davos World Economic Forum for the last two years.
Last year, he announced that he had “finally” retired from managing money to devote himself to political philanthropy. This year, at the same stage, he declared “war” on China, claiming he had short sold Asian currencies.                                

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