Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A word about Channas and concealed gains !

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News- 29.March.2016, 11.30PM) According to history Prince Siddhartha married Yashodara not just  on  nonsensical sex or dowry, but rather by  demonstrating his   prowess in archery . Prince Siddhartha after marriage realizing the true  woes and sufferings of the people , abandoned  his wife Yashodara , his own son , his kingdom , his entire household and left his abode. This is now being described as a complex  transmigration with a view to attain the mysteries of Nibbana going beyond the meaning of the word ‘radical.’

When Siddhartha undertook this journey , there wasn’t a single sinner to cling on to Siddhartha to prevent him from leaving.. Even ‘Maraya’ was not there . It was  only the underling of Siddhartha  playing the role of a stooge who  clung on to the tail of ‘Saindhawa’ horse Kantaka  to halt the journey.  He was the only idiot then , and his name   was Channa.  
In any event  , when Siddhartha was  crossing the Neranjanawa river having abandoned everything ,even  the heart of Kanthaka the animal was grief stricken    whereas, as regards Channa even his ’ bibikum’  ( soft sweetmeat ) did not melt. This is because Channa did not have even the honesty which the animal had, for when Siddhartha left behind everything , it was Channa who took over whatever that were left behind  to give it the King and became the wheeler  dealer to put through the illict deal between the parties. 
That is the  story  of Channas’ first deal  in history.
In the same way as  ‘Channaya’ could not prevent   Prince Siddhartha’s pristine  migration , it was  not possible to track down 
in Buddhist  history the fate of Channaya ( whither he went ?), after  Siddhartha reached his destination and attained  ‘Buddhahood.’ Though passing references are  made here and there about Channaya , those are hardly significant . In other words , Channaya  who was a hindrance when  Siddhartha attained  ‘Buddhahood’   drove himself into hell.. Unable to preach the truth to Channaya even with this ‘Buddhahood power,’ only confirmed the stupidity of Channaya historically . Though it is said , Channa listened to bana (sermons) and reached Arahat, yet because there is no mention of what happened to him  thereafter, the first story is enmeshed in  a dispute .

Second Channa …!

The stooge ‘Varna Channa’ (an embellished Channa) who was stuck to the tail of the horse of his elder brother like a flea when the latter  was for  20 long years of recorded history struggling to become a prime   minister or president , and this ‘Varna Channaya’ who could  not even as much as offer a handkerchief  to help his elder  brother , and this Varna Channaya who  was obssessed with  playing the role of wheeler dealer putting through deals jointly with  the enemy , has sent a letter of demand to   Lanka e news claiming a sum of US $ 100 million as compensation , while lodging a complaint with a police station in  the capital city .
The reason :  Lanka e news exposed,  younger brother   who is involved in the Vauxhall street land  illicit deal. However with the  elder brother cancelling that deal subsequently, the entire issue was suppressed. Yet,  the fact of the matter is , if the elder brother was honest he could have rectified this Rajapakse’s  irregular illicit deal without waiting until Lanka e news exposed it one year later. At the same time if the younger brother was honest , he too should have found  nothing alarming in  this   exposure to go to the extent of setting  his tail on fire and run amok, because we have still not exposed how the  deal was ‘fixed’ in Kenya.
Be that may ,  for the last 70 years within  this primitive Sri Lanka , we have witnessed how  when an elder brother becomes a leader of this Island , the younger brothers-‘Channayas’  who were like fleas stuck to the tails of the elder brother ,displaying their ‘colors’ to indulge  in self decorative  and embellishing acts.

During the period of the last  regime we witnessed how brothers and sons numbering seven decorated and embellished themselves misusing the despotic powers of the reign . Those rulers jailed journalists of Lanka e news ; abducted and caused them to disappear; set fire to Lanka e news  Portal ; banned it ; and even sent hired assassins to England on six occasions to murder the editor . We at Lanka e news  faced all these ordeals and despair, not to mention the lorry load of letters of demand sent by the Rajapakse regime to us. Of course , we can send this lorry load of letters to the new Channayas by post  to read them.
Based on our  experience might we point out we are not unaware of how scoundrels, rascals and rogues  who are armed with a law degree are striving to exploit even a letter of demand to gain  political  mileage.
Let us make it abundantly clear , Lanka e news had always from the beginning acted in good faith and espoused the cause of truth. For 12 long years we have with this goal in view  steadfastly championed without interruption the cause of the common man oblivious of the pains ,losses  , devastation and   despair that plagued us all along unrelentingly. In any case , the masses have taught  us , this pursuit of the truth and acting in good faith are a  greater blessing and bliss . Hence  Lanka e news has made  every effort all the time  to impart that  lesson  to the people in much bigger numbers.
Through that  the people and Lanka e news  have achieved phenomenal success .This  is not owing to  any  other  reason but because we are  the  conscience of the Sri Lankans in the internet culture .  
A  flea of course has no progress even though it clings on to the tail of the Saindhawa horse. 
Lanka e news 
by     (2016-03-29 20:39:11)