Friday, March 4, 2016

Adaikalanathan seeks help to combats Grasshopper scourge

Adaikalanathan seeks help to combats Grasshopper scourge

Mar 03, 2016
TNA Parliament MP Selvam Adaikalanathan has seek President Maithripala Sirisena’s help to combat the grasshopper scourge faced by the farmers in the Mannar, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya districts.

MP Selvam Adaikalanathan has sent a written request to the President.
The full text of the letter as follows
March 3,2OLG
His Excellency Maithripala Sirisena 
President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 
President Office, 
Your Excellency,
Eradication of Grasshopper Scourge faced by the farmers of Mannar, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya Districts
I am writinfl this letter to seek your kind assistance, on behalf of the farmers of the Mannar, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya Districts in eradicating out the grasshopper scourge. Thousands of farmers have been made helpless due to the voracious insects threatening the maturing paddy and other crops.
ln some areas the situation has gone out of control and they are faced with the loss of their entire year's work due to the devastation of paddy fields by this invading horde of crop destroyers. Further, they have abandoned the crop cultivation due to grasshopper invasion. And the poor farmers have fallen from frying pan to the fire due the insurance denial for compensation.
Therefore, I very earnestly request you to consider urgently
1. Providing compensation for the farmers whose cultivation was destroyed due to this menace.
2. Taking measures to eradicate and to stop the spread of the grasshoppers that are eating their way across the entire area.
Yours sincerely,
Selvam Adaikkalanathan,
Deputy Chairman of Committees