Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Namal hints about boss’s favourite website!

Namal hints about boss’s favourite website!

- Feb 29, 2016
While ruling and opposition MPs were having a chitchat about the country and court cases etc. at the parliament canteen, Namal Rajapaksa related this story. He said, “I found the president’s favourite website.” All the others gave the names of various websites.

“But, it is none of them. The boss likes the Lanka …… website.”
“Don’t lie. That website attacks the boss. Not only the boss, but also his entire family.”
“That is a surprise for me too. Our fathers and uncles never read such websites those days. But, the boss reads it alone in a room with his face reddened and sweating all over,” Namal replied.
When one MP asked, “How do you know for sure?”, he replied, “Twice, the boss sent for me and I went and met him. On both occasions, the boss was alone in his room. And, he was reading this website.”
“We can escape all the others. But, we cannot escape from these websites. When they carried and brought me to this position, I did not think that they would attack me like this. Now I understand why your father had been in a bad temper half the day,” Namal quoted the boss as having said.