Thursday, March 3, 2016

Suspicious PSD vehicle was around in Imbulgoda on the day the two University students died !- Lawyer in court

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News- 01.March.2016, 11.30PM)   A vehicle suspected to be  belonging to the president’s security divison has been  seen hovering about in Gampaha a few moments before the two students , Janaka Bandara and Sisitha Priyankara of the Inter University student federation  died  supposedly in a vehicle  accident on the 27 th of September 2012 at dawn at Imbulgoda , Gampaha .This vehicle has been noticed   by the officers of the mobile police vehicle on that day . Therefore, Lawyer Ms.Rajika De Silva appearing on behalf of the victims requested Gampaha court today to issue an order to inspect the records made by the officers who went on police patrol  on that day.
This revelation was made  by the lawyer before the Gampaha additional magistrate Lalith Kannangara when the trial was heard yesterday (29) relating to the death of the two University students . Interestingly , this case was first heard before judge Khema Swarnadhipathy  . Thereafter it was heard before Tikiri K. Jayathileke , and now it is being heard before the third judge. 
Under the Rajapakse regime , steps were taken to suppress this investigation , but now it has been entrusted to the CID . The CID officers who were present in court for the hearing told court that they have undertaken this investigation , and in the future they will be prosecuting. 
The lawyer for the victims informed court that the earlier orders issued by the judges had not been carried out . The key issue that took center stage at the hearing was the erroneous report provided by Mobitel Co.pertaining to the telephone calls exchanged  on the mobile phone of one of the students who died. Though the earlier judge Tikiri Jayathileke gave an order to take legal action against it , this order was not carried out hitherto, it was pointed out. 
The mobile phone of Janaka was lost , but the students of the federation had found his phone number and given it. Mobitel Co. lied to court that no phone calls had been taken or received on that number , whereas the  students insisted that calls have been taken to and received from that number , and there are records in that respect. In the circumstances the Mobitel Co. by providing wrong information had deceived the court.

In this connection, though Judge Tikiri Jaythileke gave an order to take legal action in this regard , no such action had been taken so far necessitating the  lawyer Rajika to draw the attention of the court today to this neglect . 
Rajika also wished the court to pay attention to another incident. That is, since the deaths were  due to an accident ostensibly , the order was given by the former judge Khema Swarnadhipathy to the government analyst to bring the motor bike that was involved in the accident back to the scene and subject it to a  ‘re construction’ , yet that order was not carried out. After the CID informed that they would investigate this , the judge postponed the trial until the 26 th of April.

The victim Janaka Bandara Ekanayake who was murdered on 27 th September 2012 was a resident of Matale and former president of  Kelaniya University main student body , while the other victim was Sisika Priyankara De Silva a first year student of  Ruhunu University , residing at Modera. 
They were allegedly murdered when they were on a march  from Kandy to Colombo, (Delkande)  in the early hours of the morning of 27th September 2012 to collect handbills , while they were extending support to the career struggle waged by the University Dons .

At that time when the police declared these deaths following vehicular accident  were akin to the death  of Thajudeen which too was alleged by the police as  an accident involving a vehicle, Lanka e news on the other hand exposed these deaths as murders with evidence. The Inter  University student federation too charged the deaths of the two students were homicides, and not accidents.    
by     (2016-03-02 02:36:52)