A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Friday, April 29, 2016
May Day – Its significance
May 1st is celebrated as International Labour Day in most countries
except those under military dictatorship or authoritarian rule. In the
United States of America and Canada, the first Monday in September is
observed as Labour Day whilst the first Sunday in May is celebrated as
Labour Day in Great Britain, which can be considered as being out of
step. However, there is no other international celebration that
generates more enthusiasm and fraternity as the May Day celebration.
It was in the centenary year of the French Revolution that the Second
International meeting in Congress in Paris on 20 July 1889, decided that
1 May every year be observed as International Labour Day. The decision
resulted in the first May Day being held in 1890. Thus, when the working
people, the world over, participate in May Day celebrations today, they
will be celebrating the 126th May Day. The original decision to observe
May Day was that it should be an enforced event, whether the
governments and employers approved it or not. However, May Day came to
be celebrated officially at international level only in 1917. Red was
selected as the colour of the workpeople in recognition of the
blood-shed in the eight-hour workday struggle.
The decision to declare 1 May as International Labour Day arose from the
historic struggle launched by the American workers for an eight-hour
workday and the brutal attack by the police on the workers at a protest
rally held at Haymarket Square in Chicago, USA on 4 May 1886.
The American workers struck work on 1 May 1886 demanding an eight-hour
workday. The workers of the Mc. Cormick Harvester Works who had been
locked out from February 1886, too, joined the short workday movement.
When August Spies, an anarchist worker leader was addressing the workers
at a place close to the Mc. Cormick Harvester Works, some of those
gathered at the meeting moved away and heckled the scabs or
strike-breakers that were leaving for their homes. The police arrived
within minutes and fired at the strikers, killing four and wounding a
large number. The police attack resulted in a protest rally being held
against the brutal force unleashed on the unarmed workers on 3 May 1886.
The protest rally was held on 4 May 1886 at the Haymarket Square in
Chicago commencing 7.30 p.m. towards the end of the meeting; the Mayor
Carter Harrison who watched the meeting in progress went away convinced
that there would be no violence. The crowd at that stage also began to
disperse. Samuel Fielden continued to address the few hundred left when a
squad of 180 policemen led by Inspector John Benfield, hated for his
brutality, advanced on the crowd, ordered Feilden to stop speaking and
the crowd to disperse. At that stage a bomb was thrown at the police
from a side-walk injuring 66 and killing policeman Mathias Degan. The
police retaliated by shooting at the crowd killing several and wounding
over 200. As to who threw the bomb never came to be known. Eight
anarchist labour leaders, August Spies, Samuel Feilden, Michael Schwab,
George Engel, Adolph Fischer, Oscar Neebe, Louis Ling and Albert Parsons
were indicted for the murder of Policeman Mathias Degan and were
brought to trial. Judge Joseph E. Gary pronounced the sentence as
decreed by the jury. Seven of the eight defendants were sentenced to
death whilst one Oscar Neebe was sentenced to a 15 year prison term. The
Supreme Court of Illinois, whilst admitting that the trial had not been
free of legal error, affirmed the sentences entered into by the lower
Court. The Appeal to the Supreme Court saw no change to the sentences
entered into. Fielden and Schwab appealed for clemency and received
executive pardon commuting the death sentence to life imprisonment,
Louis Ling committed suicide before the death sentence could be
executed. The four others, August Spies, George Engel, Adolph Fischer
and Albert Parsons, who refused to appeal for clemency, were hanged on
11 November 1887.
John P. Atgeld who became Governor of Illinois in 1893, on a petition
signed by 60,000 presented to him, insisted on a thorough investigation
into the bomb throwing incident and the trial against the eight
defendants. When he pardoned the three in prison he concluded that the
eight defendants had not been given a fair trial and that the
prosecution had failed to establish any connection between the
defendants and the unknown person who threw the bomb at the Haymarket
Square on 4 May 1886. He, in fact, charged the community of judicial
murder. The executed worker leaders are regarded as martyrs to the cause
of the workpeople and their monument at the Waldhiem Cemetery has
become a shrine visited by thousands every year.
The brutal attack on the workers by the police, the Haymarket Square
incident, arrest, trial and conviction of the worker leaders who fought
for an eight-hour workday proved the bias against the workpeople at the
time and the immense power wielded by the employers. That had an impact
on the thinking of the workpeople, especially, in the USA and countries
of Western Europe. It projected the necessity to mobilize the working
class to fight against inequity for safeguarding the rights of the
An eight-hour workday was only a dream 126 years ago and the employers never intended to concede the right of a short workday. It is the struggle launched by the American workers that made it a reality. It is the unity, fraternity and strength of the workpeople that led to the emancipation of those who worked to earn a living wage.
An eight-hour workday was only a dream 126 years ago and the employers never intended to concede the right of a short workday. It is the struggle launched by the American workers that made it a reality. It is the unity, fraternity and strength of the workpeople that led to the emancipation of those who worked to earn a living wage.
With the observance of the first May Day 126 year ago, a new social
force, that of the workpeople merged. The labour movement grew in
strength and power and trade unions fought against injustice and
discrimination and defended freedom, democracy and human rights.
The world today is engulfed in conflict, competition for international
supremacy between nations, attempts to destabilize governments and
control economies, resulting in distrust and fear among countries.
The advance in science and technology which could be used to improve
living standards is used for destructive purposes. It is the workpeople
who are mostly affected as a result. Hence worker solidarity and unity
is as essential today as it was 126 years ago.
Despite 1 May - May Day - being set apart for the workpeople, in Sri Lanka, May Day is observed as a political event. Politicians who have never worked for a living and political parties attach great importance to May Day rallies to show their strength. Every political party has a trade union under its control. The workpeople exhibit their disunity and weakness having surrendered the May Day to politicians. The politicians have taken over May Day to achieve political ends using the workpeople as tools. That has resulted the May Day being a farce in our country.
Upali S. Jayasekera
Despite 1 May - May Day - being set apart for the workpeople, in Sri Lanka, May Day is observed as a political event. Politicians who have never worked for a living and political parties attach great importance to May Day rallies to show their strength. Every political party has a trade union under its control. The workpeople exhibit their disunity and weakness having surrendered the May Day to politicians. The politicians have taken over May Day to achieve political ends using the workpeople as tools. That has resulted the May Day being a farce in our country.
Upali S. Jayasekera