April 29, 2016
INDIA – The Dalai Lama, head of the Buddhist faith, abruptly announced
today that he no longer believes in ‘nonsense’ and has converted to
“I myself, I can no longer be a believer in nonsense,” the Dalai Lama
said at a press conference at the Chan Centre. “Frankly speaking, all
religions are bull excrement. So I have become atheist. When our
brothers and sisters talk about God, creator, I can only face-palm.” He
laughed, perhaps a bit too hard.
The Dalai Lama's feelings about God have changed over the years. In the
past he has indicated an agnostic worldview, but not a purely atheistic
“I recently read the book ‘The God Delusion’ by Richard Dawkins. This
book made some strong arguments I could not refute,” the Dalai Lama
said, sitting in his usual lotus position on a plush armchair. “God is
the same as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and freedom
in China...it doesn’t exist!” The Dalai Lama thrust his head back and
laughed with reckless abandon.
“All religious traditions have good potential to get humans killed for
no reason,” the Dalai Lama said. “So I say, fuck this shit. I am done. I
have wasted my life on nonsense. But I still have time to make changes
and live a real life.” He then ripped off his microphone, stood up and
The Dalai Lama was last seen boarding a plane from India to Los Angeles.
According to his aides, he plans to change his name to Tanner Jacobs
and pursue a career in sitcom writing.