A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
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A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Wednesday, June 29, 2016
The Universal Basic Income headache -Capitalism’s strange crisis of abundance
Harbinger of the classless society
A convoy of driverless trucks
by Kumar David-June 25, 2016, 8:27 pm
Striking advances in automation and the marvels of modern robotics are
eroding the drudgery of labour. Millions of jobs have been "lost" (sic!
What’s the problem if society can produce what it needs to sustain life
with less labour?). Millions more will become redundant with the onward
march of the productive powers of industry, agriculture and services.
On-line retailing is driving main street stores to bankruptcy. How
absurd that abundance is a source of deep anxiety and looming crisis for
capitalism, the prevailing global order. The productive powers immanent
in society can satisfy society’s needs and still leave time for the
creative joys of life, but for the capitalist order it is frightening;
what a paradox. If goods are plentiful and scarcity abolished an economy
whose rationale of existence is profit vaporizes. Who will sell his
labour power for less than the value it creates and allow another to
usurp the surplus unless driven by necessity? None will if scarcity is
abolished. Unemployment will by definition disappear – what can it mean
in the midst of cornucopia? Time not needed to labour is leisure time,
creative time. Unsaleable time, employment and unemployment, are
concepts which will no longer have traction.
Marx welcomed automation and advances in productivity; he saw
liberation; he celebrated it as escape from necessity to freedom. But he
had reservations that it would drive capitalism into irredeemable
decline. In this context he notes "Capital thus works towards its own
destruction as the form dominating production" (Grundrisse, p.700), but
more on Marx later.
The UBI concept is premised on three requirements; immense social
productive power, second therefore, an abundance of goods or a
post-scarcity society as it is sometimes called, and third a
civilisation of global collaboration. The last at a minimum assumes
universal access to food, shelter, clothing, education and healthcare at
levels adequate to motivate populations to remain in situ. Sans these
basics, sustained migrant waves from non-UBI to UBI regions will make
today’s European refugee crisis seem a ripple. We Lankans know full well
the meaning of the term ‘economic refugee’; even well to do emigrants
are in truth in search of greener pasture.
What’s this flap about UBI?
My opening paragraph makes no sense in India, or Africa or Lanka,
countries still far from cutting-edge productivity frontiers. Much of
the world may never reach such prosperity if taken nation by nation. But
this is where Marx has a trick up his sleeve. The socialist utopia
(reality only mimics all utopias - democracy, Socrates’ just society,
Thomas Moore’s utopia etc.) has no nations; socialism must be global. In
a world where abundance prevails in some places, there will be plenty
everywhere; and why not? Without profit maximising markets driving all
life, what is to be done with abundance, an excess of material
commodities – throw them in the sea? No, obviously redistribute.
Therefore what’s happening in Switzerland, Denmark and Finland and
making newspaper editorials and debates in Europe and America are not
far away irrelevancies. In lesser measure and a generation delayed the
outcome of these first experiments will resonate all the way to the
developing world.
Let me summarise current events for readers who may not have kept up to
date. Switzerland held a referendum on 12 June on whether to introduce
UBI; the proposal was to give all adult citizens a monthly handout of
$2,500 and kids $625. I am not sure to what extent those who accepted
would have been disqualified from free state medical care, subsidised
education, etc. and ineligible for state pensions. The proposal was
defeated with only 23% support; but this was its first outing and the
next time or time after it will do better. Within a decade something on
these lines will happen. Finland will experimental with a similar system
for 100,000 people (presumably volunteers) this year. Three districts
in Denmark will experiment, also I believe this year. If these test runs
are encouraging the three small Baltic countries are likely to be the
next to follow.
But these are small countries; what is more interesting is that a debate
has opened up in America, UK in the pages of the Guardian, and in a
study by John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor (Labour Party Finance
Minister in waiting). In America, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, CNN and
Newsweek’s Fareed Zakaria and even right-wing politicians, for whom
zeroing welfare, Medicare, Social Security, food stamps and unemployment
handouts, are the attraction, are on board. The debate is getting hot
and I will summarise the arguments for and against.
Those on the political right who back the idea do so for two reasons.
They reckon annulling welfare will save a lot of money and greatly
simplify procedures – whole departments can be closed. The other reason
is that looking long term they see the writing on the wall. If
automation drives millions out of the labour market and to the wall,
will the day of revolution and anarchy arrive? Butter won’t melt in
their mouth liberals have fairness and a good life for all in their
blessed hearts; some on the left see it as recompense for centuries of
exploitation of labour by capital. UBI is universal, not means tested
poor-relief like samurdhi, but the relative benefit for the poor will
seem magnified. Nevertheless left, right and liberals are all much
divided and my guess is that the majority in all three camps reject the
idea – at least at this point in time.
The propertied classes and I daresay conservatives in the middle class
worry about two things; how to meet the UBI price-tag, and secondly, the
undermining of an economy premised on a reserve army of (unemployed)
labour. I can get across the former objection with one example. If a
$10,000 a year guaranteed income is to be provided to every American
citizen, tax as percentage of GDP would have to rise from its current
25% to about 35%. Income tax at upper levels would have to increase
-marginal rates on the highest incomes by say 20% - and so would wealth
and capital gains taxes. A second objection is argued more subtly and
moralistically by bourgeois apologists. Let me quote from the Economist
(4 June) "The stigma against leaving the workforce would erode; large
segments of society could drift into alienated idleness". Stripped of
its moralising mantle what the Economist is fretting about is that
capital would find it harder to buy and dominate wage labour, hence to
extract surplus value, hence to defend its raison d’etre, hence its
cortege would launch.
The left is not enamoured either
Funny, you would think that the left would plonk for UBI; not so. The
non-Marxist, social-democratic or soft left reasons as follows: "I fear
that this latest plan will drain the energies of the left and divert
attention from other worthwhile alternatives: the living wage, boosting
trade unionism, free childcare, radical changes in housing policy,
reducing working time and green investment", says Professor Ian Gough of
LSE. And in the same vein: "If we return to a taxation regime where
there is an extra £50 per person per week fed into the system, then
instead of doling it back we can fund public transport, abolish student
tuition fees, stop closing libraries and swimming pools, maintain public
parks, employ more nurses in the NHS, build council houses, and care
for the mentally ill" says Dr Chris Grover of Lancaster University.
(Both comments are from the Guardian of 12 June).
Marx’s take on all this is located on another planet. Grundrisse is a
mass (and mess) of notes written in 1857-58, dug up (I like to imagine
from a trunk under his bed) and first published in German nearly a
century later in 1953. Penguin brought out a nine hundred page English
version in 1972. It’s a stream-of-consciousness, hard to decipher buddle
of notes. I have collated the fragments on productivity and technology
relevant to my essay from pages 699 to 708 and the gist is as follows.
The full development of capital takes place when technology and
machinery (fixed capital) appear opposite labour as the application of
science to the production process. (Of course fixed capital is itself
congealed past labour). In this process labour time, the mere quantity
of labour turns into the subsidiary element and capital through the
exploitation of science and technology (fruits of human social labour)
becomes the dominating force in production. The dominance of capital
over labour is established
Now comes what, for our purposes, is crucial and displays that the
visionary Old Moor got it right 150 years ago: "(Technology) enters not
in order to replace labour power where it is lacking, but rather to
reduce massively available labour power to its necessary measure.
Machinery (automation, technology) enters only where labour capacity is
on hand in mass". The paradox of this dialectic is this: The two
fundamental driving forces of capital are competition and profit. The
former drives each capitalist to innovate and sharpen, but profit forces
him to shed labour to a minimum. But the more capital as a whole sheds
social labour, the more capital as a whole will cut the ground under its
feet by diminishing its font of surplus value. "Capital’s tendency on
one side is to create ‘disposable’ labour time, and on the other to
create surplus labour. If it succeeds too well in the former, the more
it suffers from surplus production – abundance of commodities - and the
absence of surplus value - evaporation of profit". (I have edited the
The Economist laments "UBI might make sense in a world of technological
upheaval (read revolution) but before governments plan for a world
without work they should strive to make today’s system function better".
Pathetic! But the Editors seem to have dimly perceived this much:
"Capital works towards its own destruction".