Monday, August 29, 2016

Did Australia Bribe or Donate?


by Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

( August 29, 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The drunken guy here – in the village of Thunaivi was shouting at his brother in law – calling the latter’s wife a whore. The whole neighborhood gathered around them – without anyone trying to intervene. Two weeks later – everything seems normal between the two families.
There is law and there is culture through which we find fault with each other. The lawyer for our opposition in a testamentary case stated in court many times – that I was married twice – and that did certainly seem to have influenced that particular judge who said that I was behaving like a street woman. If there was some element of Truth to it – the return karma is not likely to happen in a direct way. To be true – the person claiming / accusing ought to have been hurt or damaged by such characteristic. I took legal action in Australia against the persons who I believed were responsible – but the Courts overruled it saying that they did not have jurisdiction. Subsequently the person who initiated it within the family – lost her wedding chain at the Sydney Murugan temple and I felt that the karma was returned. The leader of the group claimed in Court that she was not allocated a dowry but was given a donation!
The above are examples of different mind orders within Vaddukoddai where the first declaration of Political independence was made in 1976 and this strongly influenced the Tamil Tigers.
Where the gap between the Politicians who made that declaration and majority people of that area is too wide – such declarations die naturally without nourishment. Whether the Tamil Tigers were Rebels or Terrorists is determined by who makes the assessment and/or what measure is used. The Sri Lankan Government which was instrumental in listing the Tamil Tigers as Terrorists – now stand accused of allegations of bribery and corruption. The latest one is against the current President of Sri Lanka – all the way from Australia.
As per Australian Broadcasting Corporation / Fairfax reports:
‘Engineering giant Snowy Mountain Engineering Company is being separately investigated over claims its staff sought approval to pay kickbacks to foreign officials, including a donation to the party of Sri Lanka’s president Maithripala Sirisena when he was a cabinet minister’
Given that the current President – Mr. Sirisena was part of the former cabinet – and given that the Sri Lankan media is also heavy in its criticism of the former President – Mr. Rajapaksa through allegations of corruption – should one be surprised by such revelations? As I said recently in Thunaivi – during a public meeting – ‘where someone in a family is weak and it is allowed to prevail – the weakness is bound to become public knowledge.’ As they say in Tamil – ‘when the price of eggplant gets cheap (i.e. when the supply increases) it will come to the market’. Likewise corruption reports. Once it comes to the market – the whole group / family stands accused of that trait. Many of us have suffered due to this ‘habitual pattern’ of the mind – due to Tamil Tigers being labeled as Terrorists. Whoever contributed to the manifestation of this – i.e.- the matter coming to the market – will get their share of return karma when an innocent person suffers due to such label.
The above mentioned allegations – may not end up with lawful action against the current President. As they said to me in terms of defamation – Australians did not have jurisdiction over Sri Lankans. Why so – even if the laws were identical? – because the thought order is not arranged as per the documented law – but is strongly combined with cultural thoughts and inner beliefs – to allocate rights and wrongs. Buddhism being a foreign religion to Australia – there is bound to be differences in thought order, due to these inner influences. It is for this reason that when something is purely local – to those who have lived in Thunaivi over long periods – I do not get involved. They would not understand my reasons in using a particular measure – and I would not understand theirs. When there is a need I use Truth which is awesomely Universal.
Recently the local priest here in Thunaivi-Vaddukoddai – lost his brother weeks before the priest’s daughter’s wedding was to take place/took place. Under normal circumstances the wedding would have needed to be postponed until the ceremonies were completed for the one who passed away. As per my knowledge this period is 16 days for priests and 31 days for lay persons. Our priest was able to complete the ceremonies within the 16 day period. But some had said that because the brother who died converted to Christianity due to migration and due to him becoming non-vegetarian after that – the longer period of 31 days applied. Our priest was naturally anxious. When he came to our temple the day before the wedding – he asked for my blessings. I kept my hand on the priest’s head and blessed that the wedding would go well and also that the marriage would be healthy. I believe that our minds merged and the father of the bride did not reveal signs of anxiety any more. I shared my Truth which cured him of his anxieties due to a bigger system in which he was no longer important due to his old age. Our system was much smaller but it was based on my Truth. The priest connected to this due to his faith in the same Deity – Mother Kali. THAT is the value of Common Faith. This would not have been possible if we did not, at our temple, replace blind rituals with healthy practices that did not contradict the values of old rituals. To our priest – the blessings were from Mother Kali – in whom our priest has deep faith. The priest could see for himself that I was still going well with my development projects in that area – despite the low law and order level in those local folks. This helped him connect to my faith and therefore my confidence in current measures. The wedding went well and confirmed the value of common faith.
Had the Sri Lankan President resorted to common faith – he would have been able to override old habits. But the old habit of allocating foremost place to Buddhism invoked the previous thought order – and hence to the extent the President also caused the punishment of his former boss – he invoked his share of that punishment by activating Article 9 of the Constitution. If ethnic conflict is something of the past – then Article 9 needs to be eliminated or at least kept passive. Once activated – it comes up with the problems that the President’s horoscope includes.
Time and Place give different forms to the same Truth. There are many who are critical of former President’s reliance on the horoscope. Others have appreciated that as being instrumental in the new regime taking its place. But the above mentioned allegations confirm that old habits die hard. They have confirmed that the current President is activating old mantras instead of using his Truth within the local group – a group that is the parallel to those sharing common faith through our temple. This group is strongly led by our family – common to Sri Lanka and other nations that have become home to our extended family. Faith has no limits through Time and Place based boundaries. Then there are members of our Engineering group – like Santhirahasan & Pushpa, Thiruketheeswaran, Vaddukoddai youth group – such as Raj Gunaratnam and Prabha Maheswaran who resource us when we have a need – Professor Prem Kumar & wife Thavamany who regularly contribute to our educational programs – even though we do not ask them. The higher level contribution is from those who express their appreciation of my sharing of experiences. That goes direct to the higher mind – starved of immediate returns and therefore is open to higher structural returns. Without the latter – including through myself – my programs would not continue. It’s the common belief that keeps the motivation going.
One of the names that crops up here in Thunaivi is that of the Hon Douglas Devananda. I wonder whether the Common Government would have done well to have Mr. Devananda as their Tamil partner to compete and invoke the competitive forces of the Tamil National Alliance which is the official Leading Opposition in National Parliament. The contribution by Mr. Devananda to Hindu structures during his time as the Minister responsible for Hindu culture – would help retard the forces of ‘Buddhism foremost’ from getting manifested. Between TNA and Mr. Devananda – Mr. Devananda highlighted my work to the President whereas the TNA as per their silence do not recognize my contribution at all – not even at the level of Vaddukoddai where their office is not too far from our Training Center.
But Truth waits for no man. Today the folks of Thunaivi made the decision that I would be their patron for Development projects in Thunaivi. They sought my assistance in writing reports that would be used by the Tamil Diaspora in Europe. In turn I propose to derive my return through training in higher common work practices which would help develop higher mind order and therefore prevent wars of the kind we experienced over three decades.
This realization was preceded by fear of legal action in one of the project which they undertook on their own towards more or less ‘free money’ – which like Australian Aid without Accountability has resulted in the current President facing the above mentioned bribery allegations at social level.
From the Sri Lankan President’s view – it may have been donation and Australia has no jurisdiction over such ‘freedom’ to call it donation as per Sri Lankan rules. As per Aussie rules – it may have been bribery paid. What happened becomes secondary due to Australian Aid – which makes Sri Lanka a relative. This resulted in Australia providing Aid that promoted the elimination of the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) during the same period when Australia was accommodating Tamil migrants to whom the LTTE were Freedom Fighters. When there is no law/measure – that is common to both sides – time tells – each one as per their own pathway/within their own jurisdiction.
Whatever the Sri Lankan President may confirm as having happened becomes secondary to knowing the character that was surfaced in a ‘free’ environment. That is the Truth and one who is true to her/himself would read it and include or exclude her/himself accordingly to develop a mind order – with or without the President.