A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
(Full Story)
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, August 29, 2016
We thank Minister Malik Samarawickrama for confirming our story. He
should have announced it long before the Sunday Times broke the story.
We stand-by every word in our story.
Malik Samarawickrema
Malik Samarawickrama
While we are happy that the Minister has been forced to come out
publicly about his ministry hiring a US firm to lobby, an issue that is
the subject of a Presidential Commission of Inquiry for the same
exercise during the previous Government, we say that it is the Minister
who is economic with the truth about the credentials of the hired US
firm and the agreement signed. Readers are invited to read the entire
text of the agreement in our website www.sundaytimes.lk – something the
Minister ought to have tabled in Parliament, and before we ran the story
last week exposing the deal.
Readers are also informed that it was the SundayTimes that first exposed the hiring of questionable US lobby forms by the previous Government.
(Please see the same website archives of http://www.sundaytimes.lk/150920/news/millions-paid-to-us-lobby-firms-to-do-basic-embassy-work-164927.html
Our story last week did not go into the merits –or de-merits of Minister
Samarawickrama’s Ministry hiring a US lobby firm. It only broke the
story. However, the issue whether it is good or bad is dealt with below,
Development Strategies and International Trade Minister Malik
Samarawickrema seems to be developing a penchant for behind the scenes
manoeuvrings and using a familiar refrain of the previous Government –
the media is “irresponsible”, telling “untruths” and not just that, they
are even sabotaging the economy. It was “traitors” then. It is
“saboteurs” now.
When the Sunday Times revealed in its front page lead story on July 31
headlined “H’tota and Mattala: China declines Lanka’s request.” He got
this story denied through the Government Information Department. When we
reproduced the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Committee on
Economic Management (CCEM), despite his accusation that “we are
disrupting the economy,”we proved him wrong in our issue of August 7 and
made clearer that our account was accurate and factual. The Minister
sulked but remained mute.
Now, Minister Samarawickrema has made another statement over our front
page lead story last week headlined, “Malik hires another US firm to
lobby for Lanka.” Strange but true, it was not copied to the Sunday
Times. Only two television networks – the state run Independent
Television Network (ITN) and Derana aired it. Not satisfied, he went to
Parliament and made a statement on Friday. We publish on this page his
statement to Parliament with our comments below each paragraph.
I would like to make the following statement on the article which
appeared under the heading ‘Malik hires another US firm to lobby for
Lanka’ which is based on incorrect and misleading information in the
Sunday Times on 21.08.2016
1. It appears that the mere intention of the article is to unjustifiably
make a comparison of the previous government retaining different
lobbying firms in the US as an image building exercise of the country
with the recent agreement with ST&R. This agreement with ST&R is
purely made on an economic rationale to obtain expert assistance to the
Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade to pursue
the objective of maximizing Sri Lanka’s access to the United States
market at a juncture the country needs enhanced opportunities for trade.
RESPONSE: When the Government keeps saying that the US, the West and the
International Community have praised the new Government in Sri Lanka
and wants to do business with it, and that the President was welcomed by
President Barrack Obama and other world leaders on the side-lines of
the UN and G7 summit, Minister Samarawickrama concedes that US lobby
firms are still needed to maximize Sri Lanka’s access to US markets. Is
there some mismatch in what the Government says and what it does? These
were the same arguments put forward by the previous Government to
justify hiring US lobby firms, now the subject of a Presidential
Commission of Inquiry for money laundering.
There has been a regular parade of senior US officials to Colombo post
January 2015 and the Obama Administration has revised US policy towards
Sri Lanka already. All this is done by the Executive Branch of the US
working with the Senate and the House of Representatives (Congress)
because it is also in US national interest to be good with Sri Lanka.
So, is this lobby firm being paid to convince the converts, or shall we
say, sing to the choir?
2. The scope of engagement as per the agreement signed, after obtaining Attorney General’s approval is as follows;
“The party represents the Ministry of Development Strategies & International Trade in connection with representation of Sri Lanka in Washington, D.C. before government agencies and the U.S. Congress focusing efforts on educating about the peace process in Sri Lanka; exploring options for greater economic and commercial ties between the U.S. and Sri Lanka; identifying and expanding options for market access of Sri Lanka goods into the US; expanding the Sri Lanka Caucus and building a friends of Sri Lanka caucus in the Congress; assisting in visiting delegation agenda development; promptly notifying of any Congressional or Administrative action of importance to Sri Lanka; preparing brief analyses of developments in Congress and the Executive Branch on particular issues of concern to Sri Lanka; interacting with the interested US stakeholders and advising Sri Lanka on its free trade negotiations with other partner countries and possibly the United States.”
RESPONSE: Minister Samarawickrama gives just a portion of the agreement signed. We will give readers the full agreement (Link to full agreement).
3. The said article in the Sunday Times refers to an engagement of a
firm for “nonexistent peace process part of the deal” Therefore, it is
clear that this statement in the article is incorrect and totally
misleading. The scope of engagement includes lobbying of US Congress
with a view to introducing and passing a bill to have conflict affected
areas and lagging areas of our country as “qualified industrial zones”
and thereby obtaining preferential market access to goods produced in
these industrial zones.
RESPONSE: Readers will see the reference to a peace process in this
agreement. News to us that there is a peace process going on Sri Lanka.
Our news item referred to a “non-existent peace process, economic ties
and market access” as being part of the agreement. If this does not
cover what the Minister says the agreement includes, what does.
4. This contract with the US firm ST&R has been entered into the
fullest transparent manner. The proposals have been evaluated by the Sri
Lankan Embassy in the US and their recommendations have been obtained.
The proposal to enter into a contract with this firm was endorsed by the
Cabinet Sub Committee on Economic Management (CCEM) on 25.05.2016 and
subsequently approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on 14.06.2016 after
submitting a comprehensive memorandum which gave all details of the
objectives, output of the contract, type of engagement with a comparison
of costs among the offers.
It is untrue to say that the Foreign Ministry is unaware of the
engagement, as it has been presented to the Cabinet of Ministers and the
decision approving the recommendations of the Cabinet Memorandum has
been sent to relevant Secretaries including the Secretary, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs. Attorney General’s approval has been obtained for the
Agreement before signing.
RESPONSE: We said nothing about who did, or did not evaluate the
agreement, nor whether the cabinet did, or did not approve the
agreement, nor if the Attorney General approved this agreement. In fact,
we did say that the Cabinet Sub Committee on Economic Management (CCEM)
“gave the nod” to this agreement; and we stand-by our story that the
Foreign Ministry was not aware of this agreement when we made inquiries.
From the Minister’s own remarks it seems that he has been dealing with
Sri Lanka’s Ambassador in Washington DC directly. The Minister’s own
statement shows that the Foreign Ministry should have been aware of this
agreement only because it has been approved by the cabinet and the
decision been sent to the Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Clearly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been otherwise kept out of
the loop and the agreement has been signed by his Ministry Secretary,
not the Secretary, Foreign Ministry. And furthermore, if the cabinet
decided on this agreement on 14 June why was it not announced and the
Minister make this statement to Parliament until the Sunday Times broke
the story last week (August 21). But the issue here is not if the
cabinet approved this agreement or not; it is whether this Government is
merely doing what the previous Government did in hiring questionable
lobby firms in the US, something they howled at when they were in
This is whilst a more puzzling event played out in Washington DC months
earlier. Sandler, Travis and Rosenberg were already playing the role of
publicists for Sri Lanka. On May 2 they issued a news release as our
montage on this page reveals. If the agreement was signed on 25 May,
2016 how was Sandler, Travis and Rosenburg able to say all that they
said on 2 May, 2016.And why so? Questions; Questions.
Minister Samarawickrema’s statement does not make clear whether there
was a transparent, competitive process adopted to pick on this US firm.
He does not say who asked the Sri Lanka Embassy in Washington DC to
evaluate this agreement and why the Sri Lanka Embassy in Washington DC
and not the Foreign Ministry in Colombo should have undertaken the
assignment. Our information is that this lobby firm ST&R is a firm
specialising in Customs cases in the US and is not among the front
runners in the lobbying industry. If the cabinet has indeed approved
this agreement, it might want to review it even at this late stage.
Everyone in the US knows that there is a Presidential election in the US
this year and a new administration, with new players are going to take
office in 2017. Why is the Government hiring a lobby firm when
Government in the US is virtually shut down right now. All members of
the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate are up for
re-election. A review of the sittings of the US Congress for the rest of
the year show that Congress is hardly in session. So, what will
ST&R be doing till December 31stwith an outgoing President and a
lame duck Congress.
5. Funds for this contract is to be obtained from the national budget
from the allocations with Parliamentary sanction for the Ministry unlike
in the case previously that such lobbying firms have been paid through
the Central Bank costing the country around Rs 1.6 Billion
(approximately US $ 11.3 Mn.
The total cost of the Agreement with ST&R is US $ 630,000 (approximately Rs. 91.3 Mn).
RESPONSE; Not relevant to our story
6. Services of well connected professional advocates, often lawyers who have the access to various powerful networks are hired, to argue for specific legislation in decision-making bodies like the United States Congress and this is the standard practice in the USA. ST&R being a prominent trade services provider with multifaceted experience in engaging in assisting governments to pursue economic growth through enhancing opportunities of trade has been properly assessed by Sri Lankan Embassy in the USA. The previous engagement of the firm ST&R is considered an added qualification.
In view of the above facts, I inform Parliament that the baseless
interpretations given in the above paper article is false and such
information seriously misleads the public.
Hon Speaker, I am also a strong advocate of Media Freedom. However, the
media should not abuse this freedom. Before allegations are made against
Politicians, Public Officers and even Businessmen, they should be
contacted and clarification obtained before damaging & inaccurate
articles are published.
RESPONSE; This brings us back to our earlier response as to why the
Government needs to hire a lobby firm in the US to do the work of the
embassy there when all these world leaders praise Sri Lanka’s new
leaders. Is this an admission that what the Government claims is merely
self-aggrandizement and that it still needs lobby firms to get a job
done in the US.
Minister Samarawickrama has not told the country who these people are who run the firm hired by his Ministry, Sandler, Travis and Rosenburg PAC (ST&R). And if he knows any one of them, himself.
U.S. Looks to Boost Trade with Sri Lanka In a joint statement issued after an April 28 meeting of the U.S.-Sri Lanka Trade and Investment Framework Council, the two sides said they had adopted a joint action plan aimed at significantly increasing bilateral trade and investment over five years. Objectives set forth in this plan include the following.- reforming Sri Lanka’s trade and investment regime to world-class standards – improving the competitiveness of Sri Lanka’s current exports – developing new markets, especially those that take advantage of Sri Lanka’s status as a regional services hub – promoting greater interaction between the U.S. and Sri Lankan business communities – greater utilization of U.S. tariff preference arrangements – strengthening worker rights and promoting ethical and environmentally sustainable manufacturing practices, especially in Sri Lanka’s ready-made garment sector – reforming the educational sector to make it more responsive to the needs of business – increased mobilization of all sectors of society, especially women, in business and trade A detailed implementation plan is expected later this year.According to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, U.S. goods exports to Sri Lanka in 2015 totaled $372 million, up 6.2 percent from 2014, while imports rose 7.9 percent to $2.9 billion. U.S. foreign direct investment in Sri Lanka amounted to $111 million in 2014, 8.8 percent higher than the previous year. USTR’s most recent trade barrier report cited a number of problematic policies in Sri Lanka, including a de facto ban on sales of agricultural products derived from biotechnology, import substitution policies, high import tariffs and other taxes on a large number of goods, price controls, and import licenses on more than 400 items. Monday, May 02, 2016 Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade Report By Sunday Times Diplomatic Correspondent |