Friday, September 2, 2016

Degraded and disgraced foreign envoy going to be appointed as the ambassador to Germany

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News- 31.Aug.2016, 7.30PM) While it is a well and widely known fact that there were women in Sri Lanka holding foreign  Diplomatic posts  who degraded and disgraced the very lofty positions they held, strangely though , it is also an indisputable fact that they are well off under the good governance with its blessings . For the present let us reveal one such notorious case which relates to  Saroja Sirisena who is currently working as Sri Lankan Consul General in Mumbai city . She is the ex wife of minister Dilan Perera .
Simultaneously with her divorce , Sajin Vaas the notorious fraudster  sought to get her down to Sri Lanka which implied  that she is depending on  ex minister  Basil Rajapakse for her protection. Because she worked in Basil’s ministry , Basil intervened to get her the Consul General post in Mumbai though  she had no eligibility or suitability to hold that post , and it is a post usually reserved for  an officer of the department of commerce.
Now Saroja Sirisena has taken refuge again under Dilan. The ex wife has again  turned into ‘sex wife’ of Dilan. Because  she aided and abetted in  the murky goings on in Basil’s ministry , in  the end , having understood the only way to escape from the FCID investigation is to secure a foreign diplomatic assignment , she has with   Dilan’s assistance via the president had got  herself nominated to the same aforementioned Diplomatic post she held .
Believe it or not ! now she is going to be appointed as the ambassador to Germany though she is far down rung in the seniority list of the foreign ministry occupying the 47 th rung.. While senior officers who have worked in Colombo are there who are more suitable and capable , Dilan has gone out of the way to propel her.

The crucial issue here is her suitability for this post, when considering her low  seniority position and going by her  putrid involvements  . 
While she was the Consul General in India she appeared   as cover page woman of a publication concerning food and beverage (liquor) , carrying a glass tumbler in her hand.  
It is therefore for the president to decide how suitable she is for a foreign diplomatic assignment . Such an individual who had committed such a grave mistake is liable for dismissal  from the post .Her photograph on that magazine cover is herein. 
Besides , going by her face book comments we cannot see in her any suitability or eligibility to hold the post of  foreign  ambassador unless it is a move made wittingly or unwittingly to disgrace the country globally.  
Interestingly and intriguingly In the photograph with her is not her husband .
by     (2016-08-31 14:55:40)