A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Thursday, September 29, 2016
The Transformation Of Sri Lanka & The Indian Ocean

By Asoka Bandarage –September 28, 2016
Following the 2015 elections and change in political leadership, Sri
Lanka is experiencing major policy shifts at the national, regional and
international levels. The confluence of these shifts has significant
political, economic and cultural implications for the island as well as
the Indian Ocean region.
In a seeming return to the ‘dominant minority’ position they enjoyed
during the British colonial period, Tamil elites have been appointed to
some of the highest positions in the Sri Lankan state, including Chief
Justice and Governor of the Central Bank. A Tamil politician was
appointed as the Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition even though his
Tamil National Alliance party won only 16 seats as opposed to the much
larger number of seats gained by the United People’s Freedom Alliance.
Notwithstanding the decisive military victory of the Sri Lankan
government over the separatist LTTE in 2009 and efforts to increase
Tamil participation in the Sri Lankan government, the Tamil demand for
constitutional change continues. The demand is for political devolution
and transition from a unitary to a federal form of government. The
proposed constitutional changes which are backed by the Tamil Diaspora,
India and the ‘international community’ are likely to lead to ethnically
based balkanization and destabilization of the island, reigniting
violent conflict.
The Sri Lankan constitution gives ‘foremost place’ to Buddhism, the
religion of 70% of the island’s population referring to the duty of the
state to protect and foster Buddhism. At the same time, the Sri Lankan
constitution asserts that “Every person is entitled to freedom of
thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to
adopt a religion or belief of his choice”. Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic,
multi-religious society with long established traditions of mutual
co-existence and harmony. The country has allowed extensive Christian
evangelical and Islamic Wahabi proselytization and conversion that are
not permitted in Islamic and many other nations. Still, there is
vociferous demand backed by the ‘international community’ for western
style pluralism and secularism and the elimination of the ‘foremost
place’ given to Buddhism in the proposed new constitution. The severance
of the historical relationship between Buddhism and the state would
undermine the culture of the Sinhala majority and the identity of the
island as a Buddhist nation. The attempted change has already given rise
to resistance and inter-religious conflict.
Ethno-religious tension and conflict generated by proposed policy shifts
are likely to be aggravated by developments at the regional level.
These include efforts by the government of India to integrate Sri Lanka
(as well as other smaller neighbors like Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan)
firmly within its sphere of influence. Unlike earlier bilateral trade
deals with India, the proposed new Indo-Sri Lanka Trade deal, the
Economic and Technology Cooperation Agreement (ETCA)
covers trade in services, especially IT, marine, shipbuilding and
engineering. The ETCA proposal is yet to be made public. However, given
the asymmetry in size and economic and political power of the two
countries, it has generated tremendous opposition from professional
bodies in Sri Lanka. They are fearful of inundation of doctors and other
professionals from India who could displace Sri Lankans in their own
The charges of ‘Indian invasion and colonization’ are exacerbated by
India’s plan to build a sea bridge and tunnel, at a cost of over $5
billion by the Asian Development Bank, to connect the southern tip of
India with the north west of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka’s territorial
integrity, sovereignty and unique cultural heritage were maintained
historically through her physical separation from its large and powerful
neighbor. There is fear that the easy influx of Indians, Hindus and
Muslims, into Sri Lanka through the planned bridge would change the
demographic makeup of Sri Lanka turning the Sinhala Buddhist majority
into a minority. In the long term, the bridge could well threaten the
territorial integrity of India itself by providing the basis for the
long held Tamil separatist dream of ‘Greater Eelam’ combining Tamil Nadu
and northern Sri Lanka.