A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Sunday, October 2, 2016
Against Devolution
Almost two million Muslims in India are doing well enough without any devolution on the basis of ethnicity. Why should that model not succeed in Sri Lanka?
( September 30, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Dr.
Dayan Jayatilleka’s article Chandrika’s call for federalism in the
Island of September 17 is written with his customary verve and the kind
of brilliance that is usually described as coruscating but unfortunately
it could also read like an ill-tempered diatribe against the former
President CBK, for which reason it may not be taken with all the
seriousness that it merits. That would be a pity for two reasons. One is
that the article addresses the most important question facing the
nation today: whether the state should be unitary, federal or
quasi-federal. The other is that the article brings out important data,
and its arguments are sound, indeed devastating, in challenging
conventional wisdom on federalism. It should be required reading for
everyone who is really concerned about the future of Sri Lanka.
Some time ago I turned completely against the idea of devolution as the
necessary nostrum for our ethnic ills. It is generally agreed that
systems of devolution are difficult to operate if there is hostility on
one or both sides and there is no sense of a common ground allowing a
spirit of mutual accommodativeness. That would certainly apply if racism
is a factor in the situation. For long it was assumed that at the core
of our ethnic problem was Sinhalese racism and that a solution would
ensue once that was surmounted. We never thought of Tamil racism as a
serious factor in the problem. To my vast surprise I came to realize in
the course of exchanges in the Colombo Telegraph with Tamil Islamophobic
racists that Tamil racism is even worse than that of the Sinhalese. I
cannot believe therefore that the way to a solution of the ethnic
problem can lie through devolution on an ethnic basis. I must make a
couple of clarifications before proceeding further: I believe that not
the majority but only a segment of the Tamils are racist; I believe also
that the Tamils, like other ethnic groups, can ameliorate or even
eradicate their racism. However the crucial point is that the racism of
even a minority of the members of an ethnic group can queer ethnic
relations and make the smooth functioning of a devolutionary system
difficult or impossible.
I have in mind a full-length article stating my conclusions about Tamil
racism based on my exchanges with Islamophobic Tamil racists over a long
period. Here I will deal with comments on my last article, After the
attack on Ambassador Ansar, by just one of them, Backlash, who can be
regarded as having a broadly representative character. He writes, “This
notorious anti-Tamil to whom the LTTE and the Tamil Lankan nation are
the same, is naturally against Sinhalese and Tamils coming together”. I
have provided details in the past to show that I have been among the
most pro-Tamil Sri Lankans, not one of which has been refuted by
Backlash or others, but facts don’t matter in the least to the Tamil
racists. Nor have I suggested in any way that the LTTE and the Tamils
are the same or that I am against the Sinhalese and the Tamils coming
together. He writes “Therefore he counsels GOSL ‘no serious dialogue is
possible with them’. He is satisfied (Tamils) are impervious to reason
and they are devoid f a (sic) a moral sense”. Backlash is lying
blatantly in that last sentence. I referred to Prime Minister
Wickremasinghe’s offer to send a team for discussions with the LTTE
clone, the We Tamil movement, and this is what I wrote, “Probably he
understands quite well that no serious dialogue is possible with a LTTE
clone. I have found that out in the course of my own protracted
exchanges with the Tamil Islamophobic racists. Two things have become
clear: one is that they are impervious to reason and the other is that
they are devoid of a moral sense”. It is clear of course that I am
referring to the “Tamil Islamophobic racists” and not to the Tamils as a
whole, but Backlash deliberately misinterprets me as targeting the
Tamils as a whole. He himself is clearly impervious to reason and is
devoid of a moral sense, an example of racism’s terrifying potential to
dehumanize and bestialize – to which I referred in my article.
A further example of dehumanization and bestialization is to be found in
the following, “He cannot control his wish to see every Tamil dead in
the world. For here are his own words ‘extirpate from the face of the
earth’. While he has a choice of many gentler words the man chooses a
word that calls for the weeding out and complete destruction of a
non-existent LTTE (read Tamils)”. He ends with the following sentence,
typical of many of his performances in the CT columns: “What an aging
deranged moron we have to share the planet with”. His total disregard of
facts, which has to be expected of someone who is impervious to reason,
is shown by his characterization of the LTTE as “non-existent”: he must
most certainly be aware of the US Government’s report of some weeks ago
on the LTTE’s continuing activities. And of course he has engaged in
bare-faced lying by making it out that I have called for the
extermination of all Tamils whereas I have called for the extirpation of
only the LTTE and its clones. The case that I have made out for that
extirpation – not physical extermination – is surely reasonable. We have
a much better chance of moving towards a political solution than ever
before. The LTTE that has a horrible record of having brought
unparalleled disaster for the Tamil people in 2009 could want to redeem
itself by aborting every attempt at a political solution in the hope of
establishing Eelam somehow someday. The peace process requires that
The reader may well wonder why I bother with someone like Backlash whom I
evidently regard as a lunatic. There are several reasons one of which
is that he is an ethnolunatic, not just a lunatic. The latter can be put
away in an asylum and be prevented from harming others. The
ethnolunatic on the other hand can be sane and whole in every way except
in inter-ethnic relations and cannot be put away. He can hold high
positions in business, the professions, and the State, and he can wreak
havoc for the rest of humanity, as has happened pre-eminently in Sri
Lanka and a few other places. The ethnolunatic should, if possible, be
extirpated as soon as he is detected.
The second reason is that Backlash is almost certainly the servitor of a
LTTE clone. His favorite metaphor for my writings is “verbal diarrhea”.
That means that every weekend my articles throw him into a paroxysm of
rage which has him screaming shxt, shxt, shxt!!! But, unless he is a
peculiar sort of masochist, why should the poor man torture himself by
persisting in reading me week after week, month after month, year after
year, and even decade after decade – at least once he faulted me over
details in an article written by me around twenty five years ago! The
obviously plausible explanation is that he is the servitor of an
institution, and that institution is a LTTE clone such as the We Tamil
group: the latter too – by its attack on Ambassador Ansar – showed the
characteristics of dehumanization and bestialization, the consequence of
imperviousness to reason and absence of moral scruple.
The third reason is that Backlash has a representative capacity, not of
the Tamils as a whole but of a significant segment of it. It should be
noted that his attacks on me have never been faulted by any Tamil. They
echo his views or similar views. Part of the explanation could be
through fear that the LTTE clone behind him might murder them for daring
to express dissent. Surely an exaggerated fear considering that some
time ago Dr Devanesan Nesiah wrote in the Island that he agreed with
ninety five percent – or was it ninety nine per cent – of what I wrote,
after which he did not come to grief. It is a noteworthy fact that when
I came under attack by a notorious Sinhalese racist the majority of the
Sinhalese readers were in vociferous support of me: most of them were
of the view that that Sinhalese racist was utter scum and that I would
be degrading myself by responding to him. But most of the Tamil readers
expressed enthusiastic support for that Sinhalese racist! Such details
point to the fact that Backlash and the LTTE clones belong to the
lunatic fringe. The problem in Sri Lanka however is that on both sides
of the ethnic fence the lunatic fringe has a way of sliding into the
center, and that indeed has been at the core of our ethnic tragedy for
decades. I have to conclude therefore that the Tamils, even more than
the Sinhalese, are totally unfit for devolution on an ethnic basis.
I hope to focus on two points in further articles on devolution. One is
that the success of federalism in other countries is totally irrelevant
to the problem facing us. What we have on our hands is not a purely
indigenous Tamil ethnic problem but an Indo-Tamil ethnic problem in
which India has been calling the shots. Consequently many of the
Sinhalese have an ineradicable fear that devolution will lead
ineluctably to Eelam. The Tamils have kept on compounding that fear by
their idiotic insistence on their non-existent right to self-determinism
that includes the right to establish Eelam. The second point is that
the alternative to devolution is democracy. Almost two million Muslims
in India are doing well enough without any devolution on the basis of
ethnicity. Why should that model not succeed in Sri Lanka?