Friday, November 4, 2016

Elusive Tiran Alles the RADA rogue at last remanded !

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -03.Nov.2016, 10.20PM)  The former chairman of  Northern rehabilitation and development agency alias RADA , Tiran Alles M.P. who did not build a single house for the victims of Tsunami  out of the funds granted by the government  for that purpose ,and who jointly with the LTTE leaders defrauded  in a sum of Rs. 650 million approximately, and three others were ordered to be remanded until the 10 th of November by the Colombo chief magistrate Ms. Kusala Sarojini Weerawardena yesterday (02) 
The culprit who sought to pull the wool over the eyes of the law by filing a fundamental rights petition in  the supreme court to bar his arrest while investigations were on going, even successfully delayed the acceptance of the indictment served on him in relation to a case that is being heard against him in the high court. However , recently the SC ending  the ‘merry go round the Mulberry bush’  that was all those days going on in courts , decided that the serving of indictments by the high court is not unlawful . Finally Alles was served with the indictment.
Tiran Alles who was most elusive and deceptive  in the end ended up in remand custody yesterday.

Alles launched the Mawbima newspaper out of the robbed funds.  . Until the 8th of  January 2015 ,this newspaper was used as an organ most unscrupulously  by corrupt and criminal Rajapakses  who are presently most  discarded , despised and detested by the people . Now ,it is crystal clear these disgraceful activities were resorted to in order to cover up the rackets of Tiran Alles.  In fact two main editors have  now left the Institution.

The other accomplices of Tiran Alles in the RADA fraud who were remanded today are : Saliya Wickremesooriya the chief operations officer, and Dr. Jayantha Dias Samarasinghe . It is noteworthy , Dr. Saliya was the first owner of Rajapakse’s Carlton mansion.
Emil Kanthan supposed to be an erstwhile LTTE leader ,who is also a suspect in the case has fled the country .An Interpol warrant has been issued for his arrest.

The investigation into this scam was conducted under the supervision of   SP Mevan De Silva ,the Director of Police special investigation unit
Photos- courtesy Lankadeepa
by     (2016-11-03 18:18:13)