Thursday, November 3, 2016

President holds 2 hour discussion at the last minute with civil organization leaders just before their public rally !

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -02.Oct.2016, 11.30PM) A meeting between president Maithripala Sirisena and the leaders of Civil  organizations took place on the 1 st of November (night ).
It is specially noteworthy , this discussion  was held  by the president just a day ahead ( 1 st November night) of the public meeting of the civil organizations that was scheduled for 2 nd November in order to  furnish answers to the insults that are being hurled against the Civil Organizations. 
It is deducible  that the president held this discussion (1  st night) at the last minute - just a day ahead of the public meeting convened by the civil organizations on the 2nd, in order to ward off the verbal onslaught  that could be launched on him by the critics  , because the president after his odious ‘cyanide’ speech has been continuously postponing the discussion requested by the civil organizations with him , and dilly dallying  unendingly . It  is only after the public rally  of the civil organizations was decided  to be  held on the 2 nd to give ‘answers to the insults’, the president summoned them for a discussion on the 1 st (night).
The president  following his odious ‘cyanide’ speech , in his interviews with two newspapers said, ‘ the leaders of civil organizations were provided the  opportunity to meet and discuss with him before holding media conferences ,yet that did not take place.’ That was an absolute falsehood . Requests were made to the president to hold discussions, yet he finally summoned the civil organizations only on the 1 st night just hours before  the scheduled public rally of the civil organizations on the 2 nd. In any event ,the Civil organization leaders including Prof. Sarath Wijesuriya , trade union leader Saman Rathnapriya, Senior lawyer C.J. Weliamuna, Sahithyadara ( Literary Scholar) Gamini Viyangoda and Ravaya editor K.W. Janaranjana participated in the discussions with the president. 
The discussion lasted two  hours , and many of the misgivings and misunderstandings that existed between the two sides were to a great extent ironed out.  
The grouse and grievance of the leaders of the civil organizations was : owing to the cyanide speech of the president , the civil Organizations that worked with commitment to steer him to power , the independent Commissions , the independent investigators and the UNP party that was solely responsible to put him on the pedestal of power had been hurt and harmed. They also pointed out after the cyanide speech, the granting of bail without any hindrance to criminals too had reached alarming proportions.

It was implied the president did accept that harm had been done  because he did not offer any answer  to contradict them.  
The president then   said, when the most vital new constitution  is being formulated and the political reforms are being introduced in the future , the trust and confidence of the SLFP shall be won , and  therefore  he has to  be sensitive to those.
Another matter  that earned the displeasure of the president was , the investigations into corruption being conducted on a biased manner.
In support of his contention , he cited with regret  the corruption cases of Gamini Senarath and Premasiri the  two  notorious  rogues of the Blue brigand of the Rajapakse era ,which are proceeding at snail’s pace .
May be the incumbent president had forgotten that Gamini Senarath is a bosom pal of the present secretary to president Maithripala Sirisena  himself ,and both of them are notorious crooks of the Rajapakse Blue brigand .Nevertheless the question raised by the  president is seemingly justifiable, because both  these notorious Blue Brigand crooks Gamini Senarath and Premasiri  are even now  as free as free birds ,thanks  to  the weakness of the good governance government ,despite the treacheries and robberies they committed  .Hence both  sides had discussions in this regard and arrived at a consensus. 
The leaders of the civil organizations pinpointed , the two parties ,that is the UNP and the SLFP under Maithripala Sirisena shall forge ahead as a consensual government by resolving the differences and issues immediately , and bring about the economic and political reforms  which are vital for the country . That is most imperative and is the task before them right now, it was concluded.

The president too fully acquiesced to  it . Finally the discussion ended in a most cordial note with everyone expressing their satisfaction. 
by     (2016-11-03 00:21:45)