Thursday, November 3, 2016

South African leader faces increasing calls to resign

Thousands march in the South African capital Pretoria against President Jacob Zuma, demanding he step down over a string of corruption scandals. (Reuters)

JOHANNESBURG — Thousands of South Africans demonstrated on Wednesday for the resignation of President Jacob Zuma, who is enmeshed in scandals that critics say are undermining the country’s democracy.
The protests in the administrative capital of Pretoria came as a court ordered the release of a state watchdog report about allegations that a business family linked to Zuma sought to influence some Cabinet post selections to benefit its own business interests. The public protector’s office must release the report on Wednesday, the North Gauteng High Court ruled.
Zuma earlier sought to block the release of the report, but his lawyer, Anthea Platt, said he was dropping the effort.
The possibility of new revelations of alleged wrongdoing at top levels of the South African government is likely to increase pressure on Zuma, who apologized earlier this year after the Constitutional Court said he flouted the constitution in a scandal over more than $20 million in state funds used to upgrade his rural home. Zuma eventually paid back more than $500,000, an amount determined by the national treasury.