A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Friday, December 30, 2016
The curse of the (Old) Left
Posted by Uditha Devapriya-Thursday, December 29, 2016
easy to get caught in rhetoric. Easy to make others believe that
rhetoric represents the truth. Ideologues can sometimes get swayed by
the lure of the moment and convince everyone, and by that I mean
everyone, of the veracity of their arguments. The truth tends to get
distorted, contorted, and eventually coated with enough sugar to appeal
to both sides of the political divide. Sure, along the way words are
made up and tossed around for the sake of attaining solidity in
rhetoric, but all in all, it’s nothing more and nothing less than
I suppose capitalism doesn’t need rhetoric to win anyone over. It’s been
marketed enough for what it is not that people don’t need argumentative
skills to convince us to their side. All they need is a conveniently
structured myth, paraded as dogma. As Fernand Braudel noted, after all,
capitalism was never based on free market economics as its supporters
claim it was: governments and policymakers distorted the market and
monopolised it for the sake of (quick) profit. In the United States the
unemployed are referred to as bums and rent-seekers, but if we go by
Braudel’s theory, the real rent-seekers are those distorting the market
while parading themselves as champions of Milton Friedman and Adam
Smith: namely, fat-cat managers and executives.
It’s a different story when it comes to the Left. In this interminable,
interconnected world we are supposed to consider as globalised, there’s
no place “left” for the champions of Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, and all
those other hoorah-boys of Marx. They have no marketers and like all
impoverished ideologues, they need money. Even if it meant that they
join up with the ruling class they were supposed to shun, they abandoned
principles. In the end, they failed.
Why though? Because they rubbished tradition and culture, and rubbished
them to the extent of forgetting their relevance when appealing to the
For a while in Sri Lanka, this worked. Then came the SLFP, which to my
mind represented the biggest blow to the Left in this country, simply
because it shed the cosmopolitan face of socialism while being parading
around as a socialist movement, which it was not (as Regi Siriwardena
pointed out, it appealed to the infantile village bourgeoisie, which
unlike their urban counterpart were chauvinistic and anti-Tamil). With
no other option in sight, the (Old) Left became content in planning out
their Revolution from the sidelines. As Denzil Peiris observed, 1956 was
not a vote for the Left. It was a vote for Bandaranaike. The two were
not the same.
That’s when things went downhill. The Left had agitated for equal
rights, parity of status, and language privileges for all, not just the
(ethnic) majority. The government was in no mood to entertain such
idealistic policies and it certainly did not need Marxists for its
sustenance. For the next two decades therefore, except for the likes of
Philip Gunawardena and N. M. Perera, who managed to drive their policies
through the government of the day, the Left floundered. The birth of
the New Left in the form of the JVP was inevitable, as inevitable as the
later substitution of race for class by the Old Left.
I’ve pointed out elsewhere that
with the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Old Left was preyed on by
forces not even remotely sympathetic to the principles of Marxism. They
became, as we all know, the biggest funders of key representatives of
the Left, who not only legitimised through silence the witch-hunt
against the JVP (which stood against the Indo-Lanka Accord), but also
made use of the JVP’s absence to crystallise into a policy elite that,
regardless of the aspirations of the majority of the country, called the
shots in the government of the day.
I’ve always wondered whether we need the Old Left anymore. It’s a spent
force, for starters. Sure, we had the most promising Trotskyite party in
the world, but that was before Trotsky was assassinated and before
people began realising the inherent deficiencies of an ideology that
subsisted, regardless of Philip Gunawardena’s attempts at making it more
palatable to the village peasantry, on cosmopolitanism.
To be fair by the likes of Gunawardena though, the stalwarts of the LSSP
then were no blue-eyed idealists flirting with federal-speak and
Eelamism: unlike their descendants, they knew the aspirations of the
majority enough to counter chauvinist demands from (self-appointed)
representatives of the minority. They were, in short, principled, so
principled that their kith and kin didn’t merely side with their cause
but went on to create their own ideology which privileged the country
before Marxist utopias (yes, I am talking of Dinesh Gunawardena here).
Just the other day I was talking with a playwright, a nationalist and a
deeply secular one at that. He had a habit of calling a spade a spade.
We were talking about the ethnic conflict and how ideology had tried to
address grievances in a way politics could not. He was adamant that the
conflict had been ballooned beyond proportion. He contended that the
Sinhalese, despite their less than favourable history, had little to no
rights in parts of the country where certain minorities held sway, and
argued quite cogently that even in a secular society (which he was in
favour of), numerical realities must be taken into account.
That’s when he brought up the Left. He quoted Colvin R. de Silva’s
forever-quoted quote on the minority question, “One language, two
nations; two languages, one nation.” Colvin’s proposition was to
equalise Tamil with Sinhala, which to this playwright seemed a mild
version of G. G. Ponnanbalam’s infamous 50-50 thesis. I couldn’t resist
telling him then and there, “The Left has played around with words so
much that even today, federalists and devolutionists draw from their
rhetoric when defending calls for separatism.” He agreed.
I then said, “The Left has become a curse to this country.” He replied, “It always was.”
Now this playwright isn’t someone you could call a chauvinist. He was,
for one thing, a firm believer in a secular constitution, with the
obvious caveat that secularism is meaningless without first accounting
for numerical and ethnic realities. He was no fan of the Left,
obviously. His stance on Colvin’s careless and crass position on
language rights was summed up by what he said next: “That was an
irrational and mischievous thing to say. It privileges language as the
only differentiating factor in a society when clearly there are other
more dangerous such factors.” The Left, he implied correctly, had
abandoned these other factors in its quest for appearing
holier-than-thou on the ethnic question, to the separatists and their
side of the debate of course.
I am less ruffled by this, however, than by the hypocrisy of the Left in
terms of how it views its own principles. You come across
self-proclaimed leftists praising the United National Party (I kid you
not) for handling the economy well, and inserting caveats that it should
do better if it is to achieve social equity. Mind you, these are the
same pundits who berated the previous regime for its lumpen,
anti-proletarian economic policies (policies that, inter alia, rescued
the Transport Board and several other state institutions from the mess
they were thrown into by the regime that preceded it, a regime these
pundits supported unconditionally because of its commitment to
They were out on the streets shouting “Down with the State!” but
surprisingly hear and see no evil when it comes to the present regime.
They claim “Better than the last one we got!” but that is not adequate.
Given the mess the government has got itself into thanks to a President
who can’t say one thing without contradicting it days later, I can only
conclude that the only if not main reason for their support for the
present regime is the (perceived) affirmation of devolution, federalism,
and 13-plus by key spokespersons in it.
In itself, there’s nothing wrong with this. A world where only
nationalism reigned supreme would be quite dull indeed. Hypocrisy,
however, is another kettle of fish altogether. So is dishing out
federal-speak in the name of ameliorating interethnic disparities.
These pundits forget if not marginalise the nauseating measures taken by
the government against the majority (regardless of ethnicity) and
concentrate on achieving their self-proclaimed Utopias. They’ve
idealised the ethnic and the religious and think they can do away with
the social, forgetting that the former are but constituents of the
No one is saying that ethnic minorities haven’t been targeted. They have
been. For centuries and for decades, they have been on the receiving
end of a State that used them, again and again, for the sake of
expedience. Their rights have been downed legally and illegally. The
machinery of the State has been used to whip up hatred against them.
Despite that, however, I believe we’re concentrating on the wrong
We’re confused about what we want for them. We’ve caved in to ideologues
who preach the gospel of multiculturalism without accounting for
numerical, social, and ethnic realities. We’ve forgotten the simple but
stark fact that it’s misconceived to create a cosmopolitan society if we
have to wave good-bye to cosmopolitanism in the North and East. That,
ladies and gentlemen, is not tenable by any stretch of the imagination.
In short, we’re so entranced with achieving a pluralistic society that
we say, “I don’t care what the f*** your ethnicity is, I’m Sri Lankan”,
forgetting that extremists from the North are more concerned with ethnic
purity than coexistence. “What is wrong with telling about who we
are?” queries Chief Minister Wigneswaran,
even as politicians from the South campaign on the premise that
coexistence can only operate if the Sinhalese stop affirming their
identity and even as the good CM refuses to see the irony in his
statement. The Left, through mischievous errors of commission and
omission, has conveniently erased reality from rhetoric.
The Old Left, going by that, continues to be a curse to this country.
Always were, always have been. Time we told them to stop fudging around
with history, hence. Time we told them to concentrate on the social and
economic. And time we told them to shut up and move on.
Uditha Devapriya is a freelance writer who can be reached at udakdev1@gmail.com