Thursday, December 1, 2016

This government installed surmounting grave odds cannot be allowed to topple : We are with LeN and we are on alert- Dep. Minister Ranjan R. (Video)

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -29.Nov.2016, 5.20PM)  Judge Ayesha Abdeen was  sent on compulsory leave because of the exposures made by Lanka e news , and therefore the action of LeN is not wrong  Besides simply because they are judges they are not infallible , and not deities, said Ranjan Ramanayake the deputy minister of social empowerment and welfare while also exhorting  he is fearlessly siding with LeN.
During a special interview with the deputy minister pertaining to the political and judicial actions taken against LeN and its chief editor , Ranjan Ramanayake made the aforementioned salutary and fearless comments. Hereinafter are  several of the views he expressed….

 ‘I absolutely frown upon the charges that are mounted against the LeN website and its chief editor Sandaruwan Senadheera. LeN is a news website which made an invaluable  contribution towards the victory of the government of good governance.
It is Lanka e news which  reported about judge Ayesha Abdeen that she went and met a notorious criminal who is in the death row in violation of the laws and overstepping  her official powers, while all the other media feared to expose . It is that caliber  of cowardly media culture that is now in Sri Lanka. If LeN has not taken that bold step and written that , no Sri Lankan would have known it. Thanks to LeN , the Judicial service Commission (JSC) is now investigating into it after sending the erring judge on compulsory leave. Is  LeN ‘s action wrongful ?  
Judges are not gods and goddesses. If they commit a wrong they should also face punishment. Judges like Sarath N Silva and Sarath N. Abrew do not deserve our respect. But we deeply respect and  revere reputed judges like Sarath Ambepitiya and Padmini N.Ranawake Gunathileke of the new generation whose conduct is adorning the judiciary.
Speaking further the deputy minister went on to comment as follows :
‘We are informed , a media chain owner is behind these moves and maneuvers, and he is deploying  his financial resources too wrongly in this direction. Sri Lankans are not fools. Let us see what ‘s going to happen. 
These blokes who cannot issue a red warrant against Udayanga Weeratunge ; who  cannot deliver verdicts against websites that are mudslinging throughout the 24 fours of the day , are issuing an order to  apprehend Sandaruwan in a jiffy. 
Moreover , what Wijedasa Rajapakse uttered in the past do not represent the views of the good governance  government . He made racism related statements , and  spoke in favor of Gotabaya  to rescue him . These are not the views of our government.

We are on alert. This is a government that was installed in power overcoming almost insurmountable obstacles   and after great effort. We cannot allow such a government to topple. Though Rajapkses were defeated , their apparitions are still lurking among the sleazy characters.  Fearlessly write Ranajan Ramanayake is steadfastly with Lanka e news on  this issue . I shall speak in this regard even in parliament.
The discussion took place  with medical  student   M.L.M. Ambepitiya
The Speech of Ranjan Ramanayake in parliament regarding LeN issue as follows 
by     (2016-11-29 12:17:49)