A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Sunday, January 1, 2017
Another 50 Years of Mideast Strife
to do with all those Palestinians? The late Gen. Ariel Sharon had the
answer: shove them into the barren wastes of Jordan, a US-Israeli
protectorate, and call it Palestine.
( December 31, 2016, New York City, Sri Lanka Guardian) One
of my favorite literary expressions is the term ‘Parthian shaft.’ It
refers to the favored tactic of the Parthians, a Persian people, of
turning while on horseback and firing arrows while retreating.
The Roman consul Crassus, who defeated Spartacus, may have died from
such a Parthian shaft after his defeat at the battle of Carrhae in 53
This week, outgoing President Barack Obama loosed his own Parthian shaft
at Israel’s leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, by refusing, for once, to veto a
UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel’s ongoing
expropriation of Arab land on the occupied West Bank.
There was no mention of similar expropriation and ethnic cleansing on
the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights which legally belong to Syria.
For the past eight years, the Obama administration has discreetly argued
with Israel over its settlement building on the West Bank and
Jerusalem. In public, the Obama government maintained the ludicrous but
convenient fiction that fruitful talks were under way that would lead to
creation of two states in historic Palestine.
No one really believed this nonsense: not Israel, not Mahmoud Abbas, the
US and Israeli-installed Palestinian Quisling, not the UN, not
America’s allies, including its client Arab states. By keeping this lie
going meant that no one would have to do anything to block Israel’s
in-you face expansion.
When Barack Obama and his feminist foreign policy cadre made occasional
public peeps of protest, he and VP Joe Biden were slapped down and
abjectly humiliated. It mattered not that the Obama administration
pledged to give Israel $38 billion of US taxpayer’s money to buy arms,
vetoed an endless series of UN resolutions condemning Israel for illegal
expansion and massive violations of human rights, Israel made clear who
was really boss in Washington, and it wasn’t Barack Obama.
When Netanyahu did an end run around Obama by coming to address
Congress, US congressmen and senators, made giddy by Netanyahu’s
presence and its promise of lavish political donations caused these
yes-men to jump up and down in crass adulation of the ‘King of Israel.’
America’s media, no less adoring, lauded Netanyahu and blasted Obama for trying, however feebly, to assert America’s interests in the Mideast and slow down Israel’s quest for lebensraum. As the wise Voltaire observed, `TO LEARN WHO RULES OVER YOU SIMPLY FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CRITICIZE.’
Obama should have taken action eight years ago, not in the last minutes
of his administration. Now, the specter of bumptious Donald Trump hangs
over the moribund administration, accentuated its manifest failures
abroad. If we believe Trump’s Tweets this week in response to the US
refusing, for once, to veto a mild UN resolution on Palestine, the
Mideast is in for a rougher time than usual.
Trump does not know much about the Mideast. He will rely on a tight
circle of extreme Zionists he has named to deal with the issue. That’s
crazy and utterly deluded – unless Trump somehow hopes to push Israel
into a real two-state peace deal by somehow using his cohorts of Greater
Israel expansionists.
Mideast peace hardly seems in the offing. Israel’s hardline far right,
increasingly ascendant, appears bent on further expanding Israel’s
‘temporary’ borders into parts of Syria. Some ultra-Zionists even talk
about Iraq’s oil in Kurdistan. Why not. The feeble Arab states are
collapsing. Egypt is run by a ferocious dictator funded by Saudi and
Israeli money. The Saudis are useless and crazed by childish dreams of
power. The US is now safely in Israeli hands. There’s oil and gas off in
the Mediterranean (Palestinians will get none, of course.)
What to do with all those Palestinians? The late Gen. Ariel Sharon had
the answer: shove them into the barren wastes of Jordan, a US-Israeli
protectorate, and call it Palestine.
If the world does not like it, too bad. Israel may look small on the map
but it’s a giant of a country, filled with very smart people who know
just what they want and how to get it.
But that’s a very short-sighted victory. By thwarting a UN peace deal
that would have ended nearly a century of strife, Israel guarantees
endless more years of violence, growing anti-Semitism, and its continued
estrangement from the rest of the world. A new apartheid state is being
born. All of President Obama’s perfumed orations about Mideast peace
have come to nothing.