Saturday, January 28, 2017

Citizens’ Groups demand right to protest

Citizens’ Groups demand right to protest

 Jan 27, 2017

Few hours after arrested the Inter University Students’ Federation Convener Lahiru Weerasekara today, Citizens Groups and Academics demanded government to restore right to protest and expression in the country at a press conference organized by ‘Campaign for Democracy’ Movement held at CSR in Cololmbo.

“Government has been violated the peoples’ right to protest,” said Political bureau member of the frontline Socialist Party, Lawyer Pubudu Jagoda
“Although the Constitution states that people have a right to expression and protest it has been limited for the Constitution. Government not allows labors and students to practice their right to protest.”
He added, “Government has been arrested the Inter University Students’ Federation Convener Lahiru Weerasekara due to his participation to the protest which held on Jan. 19.”
“Government has been taken the peoples’ right to protest,” Lawyer Srinath Perera, organizer of United Socialist party.
Lawrence Ferdinando -Colombo.